Released in 1974, the movie had the hit jodi of Dharam-Hema which had already appeared in nearly 11 hit films. Amitabh Bachchan appeared in a minuscule role and almost goes unaccredited despite being a roaring name in the industry by then after giving hits like Zanjeer, Majboor, Kasauti and Hera Pheri. Yet when Doordarshan first telecast the movie in the 80's people anxiously waited holding their breath for that one small scene of Amitabh Bachchan.
Sanjeev Kumar was to do the film but Hema Malini refused to work with him. Shatrughan Sinha was then signed.
Shatrughan Sinha stated " Dulal Guha is a actor's director. I achieved maximum artistic satisfaction after doing his Dost. He loses his temper with the unit and technicians, but never artiste's. When a artiste comes late, Dulal realizes that he is guilty and never increases his guilt by complaining. He peps us up so our work does not suffer. We have so much admiration for him that all of us requested him us separately. Hema in Do Dishayen, Dharam in Pratugya and I in Khan Dost. I am working with him in Sagar Sangam and I am sure it will do well".
Parveen Babi signed the film in 1973, but later was replaced.