Eagle numbers on doors in cockpits not always what the pilots call in and the numbers don't always match with each other.
Throughout the run of the series, the Eagle occupants always exit the ship through a door on the ship's starboard side. Many shots of the Eagles have it docked on the port side.
Though very eurocentric in the previous season, all wall signage and monitors in the second uses the US-style Command Center (as does the Medical Center) - apart from one of its stations uniquely labelled Command Centre computer. The ID badges for core personnel such as Maya, Tony and Sandra also use the UK spelling.
Whenever anyone uses a commlock, a communications column in a hallway, or a comm terminal in a room they never set a channel for the call they make; they simply activate the device and it automatically connects to whomever the caller is looking to speak to.
In the pilot episode, the massive explosion on the moon is on the far side, yet the moon is thrown out of Earth's orbit. It would be more reasonable to assume that an explosion on the far side would have driven the moon into the Earth.
Throughout the series, the Eagles kicked up clouds of dust during take-off and landing that would float and linger despite a lack of atmosphere.
The Moon is shown to be traveling within the Lagrangian points of several planets during the series. Not only would this cause serious issues on those planets, it would likely destroy the Moon itself due to tidal gravity effects.
The space helmets have no locking method to secure the faceplates in place. Making them able to be accidently opened while in space or intentionally in a fight.
Guest Stars Ken Hutchison, Jim Smillie, Giancarlo Prete, and Lisa Harrow all had their names misspelled onscreen.
In the pilot episode 'Breakaway', in one scene one of the astronauts is picked up and thrown across the lunar surface by another. As this happens the visor on the helmet of the astronaut who is being thrown momentarily slides open. Also the wires holding him up as he is picked up are very visible.
The very first shot of the first episode in the series shows the moon with the sun almost directly behind it. However, at least half of the moon facing away from the sun is lit by sunlight.
Also in many episodes the moon's surface is always well lit, as well as many other objects floating in space, despite there not being a nearby star to illuminate them.
Also in many episodes the moon's surface is always well lit, as well as many other objects floating in space, despite there not being a nearby star to illuminate them.
Between seasons 1 and 2, uniforms and signage were altered in ways that are almost completely cosmetic (such as no rhyme or reason as to why some season two characters are always wearing jackets and others not). This makes no logical sense for a base with limited resources and few opportunities for resupply.
The Moonbase Alpha uniforms have zippers that run from the left side of the collar down the outside of the left sleeve. This serves no useful purpose in the removal or donning of the uniform.
According to the Eagle exterior, a set of stairs extends from beneath the ship for the crew to exit the passenger module. A pair of supports are seen sticking out of the ship's body on either side of the door, but close-ups of the model shots of the ship show no existence of this. In addition, the stairs seem to be a solid set of stairs, but are not seen when they're not lowered. Logic states that they would actually consist of a set of folding stairs which would lay in a hidden recess under the ship when not in use. In addition, in one episode a moonbuggy is seen stored in the aft section, but it remains unclear as to how the vehicle is loaded/unloaded into that location (particularly as a moonbuggy is sometimes seen on the launch pad, implying that it it is loaded directly through the ship's exterior).
According to the exterior shots of the Moonbase, Main Mission is in the form of a tower. However, the personnel are never seen using a stairway or an elevator to gain access to the area (and the model shots show the tower to be square-shaped, but the set-up of the windows of the interior show that the set is rectangular). Likewise, no stairs or elevator is ever shown bringing the Alphans up to the launch pads; the travel tubes (which are pretty much underground) seem to lead right to the pads.
The Eagles lack any exterior lighting, including any spot lights. Also, the ship's exterior lacks the designated Eagle number.
The Moon would have be accelerating at an exceptional rate to move from solar system to solar system each episode. How the Eagles (the sub-light speed spacecraft used by the cast) are able to keep up with or return to Moonbase Alpha when they depart is never explained as it would be nearly impossible to do so. (Note: the moon speeding away from Earth (on "Breakaway") is clearly shown to be sub-light speed. The moon would remain at that speed throughout the series. Arriving at various solar systems would be the result of other forces, such as space warps).
There is no explosion that would propel the moon out of its orbit and send it at speeds faster than light to different solar systems. Any explosion with that kind of power, and none exist known to science anyway, would disintegrate the moon into atoms.
Throughout the series, Alpha personnel take Eagles through the vacuum of space in just their uniforms--not only are they not wearing spacesuits, there don't seem to be any nearby in case the Eagles' hulls were breached. [For season two, the studio set of the Eagle's interior was condensed to save stage space, eliminating the corridor containing the closet where the spacesuits were usually kept. There was only one set of doors separating the passenger module from the pilot section on the later season, while two sets of doors had been in place on Year One, which explains why we never see the passenger section jettisoned from the rest of the ship during Year Two].