During the long scene at the wishing well, the wellhead alternates between being in sunshine and being in the shade.
In overtime of the Super Bowl, Pendleton is sacked near his own 45 yard line. On the next play, he completes a pass well downfield. However, on the next play, the Rams are back at their own 45 yard line.
At the end of their first meeting in Farnsworth's new gym when Joe reveals himself, Max sits down on the steps. His cigar is in his right hand, and Max drops both hands down between his legs still holding the cigar. When the shot cuts to Farnsworth standing up to leave, the cigar is instantly in Max's mouth, with his hands still lowered.
When Max finds out the truth, his cigar jumps from his hand to his mouth and back again between shots.
In Farnsworth's study while Betty Logan is talking to Tony Abbott, she folds her petition and places it in her briefcase. A few moments later when the camera returns to her, she is holding the petition in front of her. Then, towards the end of the scene, the petition is no longer in her hands (we suppose back in her briefcase).
During the football scrimmage segment none of the players are wearing knee, thigh or hip pads. In an actual live contact scrimmage most players would not take a chance on an injury by playing without all of their pads.
Teams sometimes carry out "walk-through" scrimmage practice without pads, to choreograph plays, but that's clearly not occurring in this scene.
Teams sometimes carry out "walk-through" scrimmage practice without pads, to choreograph plays, but that's clearly not occurring in this scene.
Early in the film, a sportswriter asks Joe Pendleton about Tom Jarrett being his competition, and Joe says his competition is the 25 other teams. By the time the movie was released before the 1978 season there were 28 NFL teams as Tampa Bay and Seattle were added in 1976.
When Joe takes over the body of quarterback Tom Jarrett, the Super Bowl game is in sudden death overtime. However, all the players are wearing spotlessly clean uniforms.
When the not yet embodied Joe Pendleton is chasing after Betty at Farnsworth's house, the plants can be seen to move as his "ghost" body runs by.
When Leo (Joe) surprises his wife Julia in the hallway of the mansion guzzling from a decanter of whiskey, although she drops and smashes it into pieces, there is no liquid on the floor.
When Joe as at the way station, Mr. Jorden calls to check when he is due to arrive, which is many years in the future. If that is known, there is no reason for the escort to go down before the known time of death, and Joe would not be taken from his body before he actually died.
The boom mic can be seen when Joe comes down the staircase.
Joe as Farnsworth refers to a porpoise as a 'fish who thinks'. Porpoises are mammals.
When Joe (as Farnsworth) is playing polo, Abbott can be seen running his finger around one of the scoring areas and quietly saying "Is the wicket bugged?" The scoring areas in polo are simply referred to as goals or goalposts.