5 of 7 found this mild
Sexual innuendo. Several male characters with shirts off. Woman takes off shirt revealing nudity from the side and then kisses main character. However, you can't see her nipple and lasts for only a brief second.
5 of 7 found this moderate
Many fighting scenes. People getting killed at close range with bullet penetration wounds, blood splatter, and a woman being stabbed. Also, many dead people with bloody wounds. In this film people are murdered by: guns, knives, strangulation, throwing stars, poison dart, throat slash, falling after being shot, swords, drowning, broken neck, burning to death, and a cross bow.
4 of 6 found this moderate
12 "h" words
3 "a" words
9 "d" words
4 "b" words
4 "s" words
2 uses of "bastard"
4 of 5 found this to have none
Many scenes with alcohol but not consumed on screen: Margarita, Scotch, Vodka, Wine, Champagne, and beer. There is a scene where the main character points out that another character is drunk. Several patrons at bars in various scenes drinking alcohol. Man smoking a cigar in a couple scenes. No drugs.
3 of 4 found this moderate
There are many violent scenes of people dying and crying out in pain. In one scene a ninja holds the point of his sword to the throat of another man and is told not to kill him.