- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 20/20 Movie Reviews [Richard Cross]
- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- BigGayPictureShow.com [Tim Isaac]
- Bill's Movie Emporium [Bill Thompson]
- Blu-ray.com [Martin Liebman]
- Carstairs Considers [Mark]
- cereality.net [Yannic Sames]
- German
- Cinecaps Digest
- Cinemagazine [Monica Meijer]
- Dutch
- Cineycine.com [Carlos Guerrero]
- Spanish
- Comedy To Watch [Alex Finch]
- Common Sense Media [Sarah Wenk]
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- Dreams Are What Le Cinema Is For...[Ken Anderson]
- DVDizzy.com - 30th Anniversary Blu-ray with Pictures
- filmcritic.com
- Filmovie.it [Francesco Mangiò] (Italia)
- Filmreporter.de [Anja Boromandi]
- German
- FilmTagger.com [Andrew Bonello]
- Filmy [Stavros Ganotis]
- Greek
- Frank's Movie Log
- Journeys in Classic Film [Kristen Lopez]
- Let's Go To The Movies [Caz]
- Lord of the Films [Ryan Fernand]
- Matchflick [Jessica Film Junkie]
- MediaMikes.com - 30th Anniversary Blu-ray [Mike Gencarelli]
- Movie Farm [Paul Hutchinson]
- moviemaster.de [Frank Ehrlacher]
- German
- National Public Radio [Bob Mondello]
- Naturalistic Uncanny Marvelous [Gene Phillips]
- Not This Time, Nayland Smith [Chris Hewson]
- PopMatters [Justin Ravitz]
- Qwipster [Vince Leo]
- RogerEbert.com [Roger Ebert]
- Rotten Tomatoes
- Silver Screen Reviews [Bill King]
- Slant Magazine Blu-ray [Eric Henderson]
- Spirituality & Practice [Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat]
- The BigScreen Cinema Guide - Reader Reviews
- The Boston Phoenix [Alan Stern]
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- TheBoxSet.com - Complete Movie/DVD Review
- Thrill Me Softly [Stefan Hedmark]
- Turner Classic Movies [Frank Miller]
- www.cineweb.ca
- French
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