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V (TV Series 1984–1985) Poster


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Worthwhile because of it's scope
Prutnumse24 May 2006
This series had a lot going against it - plot holes the size of meteor craters (why don't the visitors just condition Rev. Turney into giving up the location of the rebel camp?, for instance), some of the cheesiest dialogue heard outside of a Kung Fu movie, special effects that where horrible even in 1984. So how come it captivated me so? It was charming. I felt, when I saw it, that cast & crew alike really had a good time doing this show, and those things rub off. But more important, the series had SCOPE and ORIGINALITY. The creators weren't afraid to take on really heavy topics, and they did it in a way that hasn't been seen before, nor after.
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A Series That Started Out With A Lot Of Potential.
buckikris11 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of V The Mini Series and V-The Final Battle. I was a pre-teen when the movies came out and was blown away by the plot as well as the cast. I knew that after V- The Final Battle a series was soon to follow, a movies about lizard people invading earth with sinister plans for us. The movies were too good not to have a series follow up, plus the ending to V-The final Battle left viewers with a well what happens next. I purchased V The Series through Amazon and finished watching the complete series last night. I don't remember many of the episodes from growing up because of my involvement with basketball in Junior High and missed most of them do to games and practice. The first 12 episodes I have to say were good, due largely to the cast. I especially liked Lane Smith as Nathan Bates, he played both sides of the fence; but knew what could happen if Diana wanted him out of the way. I knew once Bates was killed off, the series was in Jeporady. In episode 13 when Bates was killed off, the series didn't make a lot of sense. If you remember in episode 2 I believe Bates told Diana, he wears a pulse-oximeter in case she tried to eliminate him.If his pulse would stop she and her race would perish because the red dust would be released. In episode 12 Mr. Chang shot him at point blank when Kyle was trying to help his father leave Science Frontiers. The series just didn't make that much sense after Bates was killed off; plus most of the cast left. I do give them credit for trying especially bringing back Frank Ashmore as Philip, Martin's Twin. The series had too many different writer's; and that probably caused it's demise. I hope this review was helpful to you, the series is still worth to buy especially at Amazon, I only paid 4 dollars and for those who enjoyed the movies the series was not the best; but some of the episodes were actually good especially the first 12. Kris L. CocKayne-abucki4ever71
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mattkratz1 May 2007
This wasn't too bad as a sequel to the landmark original TV miniseries "V" and "V:The Final Battle." The special effects could have been better, but overall the series was good and the story lines could have gotten better (they were good in the first place) had the show not been cancelled after just one season. They made a good effort to further develop the characters, especially Elizabeth (the star child) and Willie. Willie had some of the best lines in the show with his bungling of the English language. Each episode was good and unique. It introduced new characters and kept the familiar ones. If you liked the original two miniseries, you might like this weekly show.

** 1/2 out of ****
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Very Different To The Mini-Series And The Final Battle But Still Very Good
Big Movie Fan24 August 2002
This series of V was very different to the Mini-Series and The Final Battle episodes. The original series was action packed but it was an allegory of the problems in Germany in the 40's when the Nazi's were stepping on people. The original series explored a lot of issues such as the fight between good and evil and the destructive nature of man.

This series did away with most of the above and instead concentrated on producing action, chases, explosions etc.

Old favourites such as Willie, Ham Tyler and Mike Donovan were back. And of course, the wicked Diana was back (looking beautiful than ever). Joining the show were the likes of Lydia who was a rival to Diana and the mysterious Charles.

The shows were very good producing loads of action. It was a good show if a little short-lived. Let's hope a follow up is done one day because the final episode did leave a lot of loose ends to be tied.
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better than Final Battle
SnoopyStyle5 April 2021
It's Liberation Day, a year after driving the aliens from Earth. The mother ship has been captured and being examined by scientists. Elizabeth has superpowers. Diana is on trial. While the situation seems to be going well, dangers persist. The aliens are bound to return.

It is 19 episodes and the last gasp of the original V. It follows two years of mini-series. The first season has a great premise but the second season falters a bit. Recently, I watch this again after three and a half decades. It's better than I remember. This 19 episode season is an improvement over the second mini-series Final Battle. It still has some issues with the scale of the TV production. The story logic is better although they still do the thing where the human rebels are always able to sneak in and win despite overwhelming odds. It's the 80's and realism is rarely on TV. It's canceled after one year. It's 25 years before they try rebooting the franchise. At the end of the day, it's fun 80's sci-fi and is still watchable today.
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A Brilliant Series and rightfully dedicated to all of those who fight for the Truth
jseph1234-262-61748810 August 2020
I own this series "V" and when I first watched it back in 1984 I realized this was something different than the usual crop of Science Fiction. There was and is a level of dept to the characters and scenarios that resonate even today in 2020 where many of us choose to seek out the truth for ourselves and fight what is wrong and the lies told to us.

"V" stands for Vigilance, Voice and Victory!
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Unlimited potential; Limited exploitation
internodal10 March 2008
I first saw "V-The Series" when I was only 8 years old. As violent and gruesome as the critics thought it was, my mother let me watch it because it really wasn't all that bad. The series captivated me, as did my favorite movie at the time: "Return Of The Jedi".

24 years later, I watched "V", "V-The Final Battle", and "V-The Series" on DVD. If the first two mini-series were nothing short of excellent, I cannot say the same about "V-The Series".

From the blatantly obvious use of stock-footage from previous episodes, to the awful "acting" by such "stars" as Marc Singer and Michael Wright, it's no wonder the series was canceled after 19 episodes. The special effects were terrible and some plot elements made no sense. Many gun fights looked so fake, it's hard to believe one would have the nerve to put them on film.

But, guess what? None of this mattered to me, for when I put away the DVD box set after viewing the complete series, I realized one thing: "V-The Series" had great potential. I think the series could have gone a long way, had it not been for plot flaws, budget restraints, poor acting, and such competing shows as "Dallas". It's actually quite sad that NBC chose not to put the big bucks required to create a multi-season series of shows. Also, the fact that some very important characters were pulled out of the show around mid-season certainly didn't help.

Still, watching the series on DVD brought back so many good memories, I really enjoyed it. I actually caught myself having a bizarre rush of adrenaline at some point. Also had a good laugh here and there. Amongst the sometimes corny dialog, lie a couple of timeless quotes. A great gift idea for the strong nostalgic type.
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V:The Complete Series
filmbuff197410 May 2006
I remember watching the original mini-series in the mid eighties and how it caught my imagination and sense of wonder about the real possibilities of humanity's first contact with an advanced civilization.This mini-series was just amazing as was the second mini-series.Then this came out and it was definitely a diminishing of quality across the boards.I don't think I even made it through all 19 episodes back then in 1985.

It's now 2005 and I only invested in the DVD collection because I've been reading books by David Icke who is this conspiracy theorist who believes our planet has been ruled for the last ten thousand years by a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings from another galaxy who are posing to this day as humans and that they are mostly the ruling elite in all fields of human society.It was in his books that he suggested I watch "V".So I purchased the series and have just viewed the entire 19 episodes.

Irregardless of David Icke's theories I have found V:The Complete Series the most fun I've had in years.Yeah, the series is badly acted and the characters are pretty one dimensional and in the case of Diana and Lydia absolutely campy, but so what? The original Flash Gordon serial is campy and the effects are laughable but I can still enjoy that as much as the first three episodes of Star Wars. V:The Complete Series is 1980's television at it's most fun.I suggest just putting your brain aside while watching this series and you'll be just fine.
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Worthwhile IMHO
nick_barton-12 November 2009
OK this show isn't going to win any Emmy awards for the acting or writing that is involved but to tell the truth I was like 13 when it came out and was into the A-Team, Dukes of Hazard and other shows of the 80's shows of the like. When this show came back on the SyFy Network I had to watch it again and it was just as I remembered the same cheesiness as every 80's classic television show where numerous bullets are shot and people don't die, plot holes that you drive a truck through and everything that everyone else has said. The truth is I'm not sure that sci-fi shows had a chance in the 80's since it is such a special medium that not everyone sees themselves "into".

While people may have liked the show for action they didn't like the alien part or they liked the drama and I think that looking at it in the context of the times, remember there were only 3 networks out then the show needed to cater to a marketable audience thus changing the concept midway through as for plot holes with the red dust changing weather patterns and a natural immunity explains a lot. I think growing up the Starchild is just something that was done in the 80's shows, putting teens into shows to bring in a larger audience, they had the two teens for just those targets. Remember the popular shows were Dallas and Falcon Crest The true test is how ABC is going to handle the new show since they haven't thrown out the alien word or anything and sci-fi shows don't fare well on that network or any of the big 3.
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Eighties TV Camp Classic
maudejunior28 August 2004
Premiering in the Fall of 1984 (NBC, Oct.26, Fri 8-9p), just a few months after the mini-series sequel, 'V - The Final Battle', 'V' was now in the form of a weekly hour long sci-fi/action/adventure series.

In mid-season, (Feb. 1985), NBC re-vamped the sci-fi/soap opera, and moved it to a later time slot, yet it did little to save this embarrassment; any resemblance to Kenneth Johnson's original 1983 classic had been vaporized.

The most expensive and violent show on television at the time, 'V - The Series' was a critical and ratings disaster that will leave the viewer bewildered and in disbelief, yet strangely mesmerized.

Unintentionally hilarious and incredibly 80's, all nineteen episodes have a unique inane charm and many memorable moments. Every episode will entrance the viewer, largely based on sloppiness and the over-abundance of flaws.

True camp that's super-melodramatic and very funny, be on the lookout for 'Oswald', the (alien, or 'gaylien') gay-stock character, debuting in episode fifteen.

Quite possibly the worst sci-fi series, if not series, ever produced, one cannot help but to enjoy this train wreck.
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V: The Series was a victim of the times
Slurge-517 January 2003
It started out with a lot of promise: the aliens from the two mini-series had returned, but a shrewd businessman had negotiated a "free city" -- an area where humans could go about their business with the illusion of being their own masters, very much like Casablanca in the movie of the same name.

While the first few episodes were a little flat as they set up this premise, the middle episodes were terrific. We had the pretense of this safe haven, while the aliens did their best to manipulate things behind the scenes, and the resistance continued to work at stopping the Visitors and their plans.

Unfortunately, the ratings were not good, so the show began to focus more and more on what was going on inside the Visitor ships, which turned out to be a lot like what was happening on Dallas and Dynasty, two popular shows of the time. Instead of taking over the earth, Diana seemed more concerned with fighting with her rival for their Leader's affections. By the time the show was cancelled, it was almost a relief.
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paul_haakonsen29 December 2015
After an adrenaline packed TV mini-series and "V: The Final Battle", the "V" series continues right from the cliffhanger that "V: The Final Battle" left us with. And the series is one long continuous exciting thrill ride. And if you enjoyed the mini-series and final battle, then you will most definitely also like the series as well.

A great continuation of the franchise that offers heaps of action, drama, intrigue and storytelling, all rolled together in an amazing Sci-Fi series.

Of course, as the series is from 1984, then the special effects are not super great in comparison with todays effects. But "V" is not a show that relies solely on effects to be entertaining. No, this is a story- and character-driven show.

The 1984 series bring about most of the cast from the mini-series and final battle, along with a bunch of new characters. And even has some replacement characters too.

On a personal note, then I think the ending was very fulfilling, as it left on an even bigger cliffhanger than "The Final Battle" did.

I enjoyed this franchise tremendously back in the 1980s, and still do so today. And I have seen it all at least three times by now. There is enough contents to support repeated viewings. "V" is definitely one of my all time favorite Sci-Fi shows.
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A Good Start That Ran Out Of Ideas
brianwolters10 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
V: The Series was a very odd television show. First, The Final Battle ended and it was a very satisfying end to the 10 hour miniseries. We really didn't more to this story. However, this weekly series did actually made some interesting points to the ongoing story but it was soon abandoned as well as most of the originally cohesive cast.

The series starts out about a year later and we soon see that Diana and the fleet wants revenge over the red dust. As we soon find out, the dust loses its effect and really can't be used anymore, so the visitors patiently wait for the dusts effects to cease. This sets up many good episodes about the visitors regaining control. However, gone is the Nazi allegory and it therefore goes for power and corruption plots all the while the resistance is back to fight the Visitor's once again.

I found myself really enjoying many episodes. It was a little uneven at first but it began to pick up. Yes, it was filled with "cheese" (especially the first 2/3 of the seasons opening credits music) but it was often engrossing. The FREEDOM NETWORK added a sense of continuity to the show and it was a nice touch. The acting was solid, Diana was as nasty as ever and they took chances and killed off regulars and that added to the dramatic impact. The Nathan Bates subplots were actually interesting and you really began to hate Mr. Chang. Michael Ironside was also very fun to watch. And the "soap opera" of "Charles and Diana" was also very entertaining.

However, as it went on toward the last 1/3 of the season, the series started falling apart by the seams. While the series was starting to find its groove, they took too many chances and kind of dug themselves in a hole and they ran out of creative juices. The idea of the resistance always winning and episodes ending with showing Diana dejected began to run thin. And poor Willy. They just beat us over the head with his butchering of the English language and making him the buffoon which was a shame, because he was such a charming character and performed well. The special effects were reused over and over again. The campiness factor of eating rodents was way over done and all originality that they could have tried for just went away.

Then, when we get the new (and improved) credit sequence, the show pretty much became a chore to sit through. Gone are some of the better and well acted characters. And the plots became paper thin and were filled with "filler" scenes where you just feel they were making it up as they went along. Add in "romantic flashback" scenes, illogical situations, cheesy actors making guest appearances and you can see that because of the daring chances they took with the series at the first, they were left with pretty much nothing. The acting also suffered, especially Faye Grant, in which she gave very uneven performances toward the end, especially in the dreadful episode "The Secret Underground". That episode was the worst in the entire run. The show ended with the Episode "The Return" and it actually felt like it would redeem itself but by then, it was too late. There was no saving "V."

This DVD collection of V: The Series is no frills. They put episodes on both sides of the DVD, making this a 3 DVD collection. Box is nice looking with good shots of some of the cast but nothing extra comes with it. The picture and sound quality of this collection is about as good as you would expect from an early 80's show.

I had a good time with this series and it was fun to see how it played out up to the unresolved cliffhanger. If you are a V fan, this is still a must have.
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The humans continue their battle against the lizards
mike_cable30 August 2010
The original mini-series was intelligent, engaging and a television event of the 1980s that cleverly melded refreshing science fiction with a dark chapter of human history. The second mini-series was almost just as good and demanded much patience from the viewer. Then came this ongoing series. While most of the characters returned, the budget and intelligence in the writing didn't.

The one and only season of "V" followed the story of the human resistance trying to survive while the lizards continually struggled with their own in-fighting. Most of the characters from the first two productions returned, the ladies with their big eighties hairstyles and the men pulling weak but amusing fight scenes.

Occasionally we were treated to a new alien weapon or a new character who promises to bring change to the ongoing story but some episodes drag on with long and slow moments that seem out of place. Unfortunately, the series ended on a cliffhanger when it was axed, so many things were left open and the viewer may feel short-changed by the closing credits of the last episode.

Still, if you want to see more adventures of Donovan and co. then you can watch this, but don't expect too much. "V" was something too good to be left alone, but sadly it was a poor effort.

Note: Very different to the new 2000s series.
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The Visitor's Voices - Where'd it go??
AslenPaige18 August 2004
I just got my copy of V The Complete Series. I had forgotten about all the 80's make-up and Diana's crazy variations on the standard Visitor uniform. Now don't misunderstand me, I still love anything to do with the Visitors, even down to the ridiculous deus ex machina that is the StarChild. But there is one thing about The Complete Series that aggravates the crap out of me. Suddenly, NONE of the visitors have the strange voice, and I mean none - not even a trace. I have always felt that you can detect the early rumblings of decline of this series about 10 minutes into Final Battle. The Complete Series takes the decay up to quick rot. Martin in plaid flannel and a hunter's vest!? Because NBC(?) wouldn't allow Kenny Johnson to take the time he needed to produce another mini-series that probably would have been fantastic, they took the idea and fobbed it off on less talented, cheaper people.

So....back to my original point- is it just me, or is there simply NO voice? Sorry to be so long winded!
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Deserved more than one season
safenoe21 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching every episode of V: The Series and it really deserved more than one series.

One of my favorite characters was Ham Tyler played by one of my favorite actors, Michael "Total Recall" Ironside. I was disappointed he was written out midway through the series. It was like losing a loyal friend who knew what to do in any crisis.

Also when I saw Robert Englund's name in the credits in the earlier mini-series, I wondered if that was the same Robert Englund in Nightmare on Elm Street, released the same year???!!! It was!!! Willy was so different to Freddie big time, but that's a testament to Robert's incredible acting skills. I remember seeing an interview with Robert when he said that at an autograph session, many eager V fans turned up to meet him, and then a bunch of leather clad bike club type folks turned up and asked him to autograph their gear...they were Nightmare on Elm Street fans!!!

Ironically, Diana (Jane Badler, who was in the reboot of the Mission Impossible TV series) marries Charles - get it??!!! Anyway, their marriage didn't last as long as the real Diana and Charles, and Diana is arrested for poisoning Charles. One episode which haunted me was when Diana and Lydia (the beautiful June Chadwick) frame an innocent young woman, and her punishment is to be sent off to space with the corpse of Charles in a glass box forever.
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view_and_review3 December 2020
My memory is a bit fuzzy about the origin of "V" (was it a movie first or not), but I certainly remember watching it when I could. The V stood for Visitors. The lizard aliens that dressed in human skin and ate rats were fascinating to me.
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Great miniseries!
wkozak2218 April 2022
I watched this when it premiered. Always liked Marc Singer. Excellent actor. Jane Badler is great as Diana. I don't watch a lot of sci fi but I definitely watched this, faithfully. Great story and action. The bright spot for me? Robert Englund plays a good guy!
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Nice to see something beyond min series, but falls apart
albert_m223 February 2014
I'm probably going to echo other thoughts here. I loved (and still love) the V and V the Final Battle. I saw them as a kid in the 80s and still watch them now. However, I did see the regular series then... at least portions of it, but couldn't remember much. I finally watched the entire season recently and well, it had a good premise, but falls short.

I think the producers did OK given the budget constraints at first, but like other regular series, the open ended-ness can cause issues. As with Lost and other shows, not having a defined time line can cause a show to meander with pointless filler episodes. There was some of that here.

The addition of characters on the Visitor side of the plot may have been needed for Diana to have an internal conflicts, but it was melodramatic and cheesy.

That said, I enjoyed the first half of the season, as a nice extension of the mini series. Not great, but had its moments.

You can see a clear(and significant) change in direction and budget in the last third of the season, which falls on the last disc, if you're watching the DVD. Without getting into the plot, it really all falls apart at this point.

The flawed first half is worth watching for fans, but even as a fan, the last episodes are very poor.
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A Series that could have lasted longer!
Sylviastel9 August 2008
I'll never understand why the aliens had to be lizards or iguanas underneath their human form skin. Regardless, they return after they were liberated by smart humans on earth who finally got together to defeat them. This series was much like the two mini-series which preceded it. The aliens should realize that earth and it's billions of inhabitants don't want to become food for them. In the series, Elizabeth (hybrid of human and iguana) has a metamorphosis. She becomes an adult which I don't understand. Many of the original cast members from the mini-series return for the series like bad Diana played brilliantly by Jane Badler with both evil and sensuality to seduce Marc Singer's character and others before eating them. There is Fay Grant, the female character, who is involved in defeating the aliens. Unfortunately in the series, the aliens are here to stay on earth and they must find a way to cope.
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Remember this show as a teenager!
mm-3929 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Remember this show as a teenager! What worked! Well a U F O arrives and all seems well. Visitors are helpful etc, but many of the earthlings wonder if their is more. Much like the Twilight Zone episode To serve man which was much on people ending. The first part of the show is a mystery. The plot twist is the alien hide their identities in a shell and are evil reptilian creatures, which eat live mice etc. Well V is cheesy made for T V series. Has Michael Ironside and other notable actors. Freddy Kruger is in it! Directed well, and the usual 80's action formulated plot. More of a kids show. The Balloon answer for the upcoming war was cool. Well their was not a answers in the final because we had a T V series. Well the series had half reptilian psychic creature etc and got silly. Memorable show 6 stars.
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Great sci-fi. Way ahead for it's time.
brianjc-0014225 January 2019
This was a great epic science fiction story that had an all star cast. Wonderful special effects.
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Sci fi poor relation
dillon-7708529 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many such fi series and films of this era it got a severe kicking from Star Wars.

But you do get value for money it has several tv dramas rolled into one You got power crazy itchy wowen getting there claws out. A la Dallas Dynasty (Dallasty?} You got cross country car chases.a la Dukes of Hazzard, you got bullets flying and gun battles a la A Team? The constant search for the outlaws and the.failure of those chasing Dukes of Hazard again? Key stone cops you name it.

Doesn't stop this being entertaining but it is so cheesy it out to be a pizza. The effects are shocking but given age of series that's excusable. The script is dire which of course isn't. Light hearted comedy provided by Willie a visitor who deserted and now mangles the english language.a la Allo Allo.

Quite often unintentionally funny. But still something about it that gets you hooked.just dont take it too seriously.
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I loved the Mini-series, the TV Series and The Final Battle!!!
madmanmib25 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the mini-series, I fell in love with all of the characters and the story. From the beginning, the way they kept the whole thing a secret until springing it upon you what the Visitors were here for was pure genius and have of yet to ever be topped. When you finally find out that the real reason that the visitors are here is for water and food and the food they prefer is humans is still unnerving and gives me goose bumps still to this day. Then to have one of the main baddies be a female and hot on top of that made it even better. The way we find out that the visitors are some humanoid reptile still can't be topped and many others have tried and failed badly. Even the series, which sadly only went for 19 episodes, were far superior to any other SCIFI series at the time. Not only was the story just as good as the story told in the mini series but the special F/X could not be compared to any thing else either unless you went to see a movie. I still don't know why this well written and well-acted series never went more than just 19 episodes, it may have just been some added storyline before they aired "V" The Final Battle and help tie that one with the first V. I don't know. I would like to add though that everybody involved with "V" should be commended on the fine job that has been done. Since "V" one of my favorite of all time actors now is of course Michael Ironside, who's career I have followed and make a point to watch every project he has ever done since, Marc Singer who did and awesome job in V and one of my personnel favorites "If You Could See What I Hear" but of course he will always be remembered as "The Beastmaster" by far the character and job he has ever done and many other shows and movies have badly tried to duplicate and have never come close, Faye Grant & Jane Badler as beautiful as they are talented. I can't wait for "V: The Second Generation" (2007) (mini)(taken from IMDb) and see the whole gang again and get a whole new generation hooked on "V" all over again.
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A great mini series that started a generation of future alien invasion movies
atomicjeff-418507 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
V is one of those mini series from the 80's that stand out for me growing up. It had an interesting and intriguing story line. The earth is invaded by fifty gigantic. 3-mile long motherships across the planet. The aliens make contact with us and shockingly they look like human beings like us, or that's what it appears to be. They came to us seeking help because they claim their planet is in serious environmental difficuly much more severe than us. They ask us to help them manufacture certain compounds that can help their struggling civilization and exchange they promise to share all their technological advancements which is light years more advanced than ours. Everything seems fine on the surface and the visitors quickly assimilate into our society. (All is well so we think.) The visitors quickly take control across our planet in the guise of friendship. They take control of our media, our police, governments, and start to recruit our younger people with a "Visitor Friends" outreach program. A few people start to question the Visitors after peculiar things are starting to surface which makes a veteran news photographer Mike Donovan (MARC SINGER) who was one of the first journalists to have first contact with the visitors, which grants him a position of trust among the visitors, decides to stow away on one of their shuttles with his video camera in tow to discover if the visitors are telling the truth about their mission. What Donovan discovers is that the Visitors are lying to us. They are here to steal our water and the missing people across the planet are being harvested for food. Futhermore Donovan discovers the Visitors are not like us but instead are wearing body suits to disguise their true horrific appearance. Now its a life and death struggle for Donovan and a handful of resistance fighters trying to fight back and spread the truth about our so called friends. I have seen many comments in this review forum dumping on this series, but let me remind them of these simple facts despite their negativity. First, this was a made for tv production that did not have a huge production budget like cinematic movie productions. Second this mini series garnished high ratings for that era that spawned a sequel and eventually a weekly series on television as well. Futhermore it also was expanded into novels, comic books, and eventually an updated television series reboot. Also this mini series was the template for many future alien inspired films in Hollywood, such as the huge blockbuster, "INDEPENDENCE DAY". This little movie series carved its place into television history and still remains vastly popular in our syfi culture and it will always have a lasting legacy. If you have never watched it give a try because its entertaining and despite some of the negative reviews in this forum it's a good show worth watching.
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