Silly cash-grab by Cannon Films to milk their success with Chuck Norris' Vietnam action flick MISSING IN ACTION. Set in the waning days of the Vietnam War, David Carradine plays a Colonel tasked with rescuing a group of P. O. W.s being held at a secret camp. The rescue does not go as planned, and the team finds themselves prisoners, now needing to escape. The great Mako plays the evil commanding officer of the P. O. W. Camp, who goes head-to-head with Carradine. It's all very dumb and is hardly Colonel Nicholson and Saito from THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI, but it's breezy and has pretty much non-stop action and explosions once it gets going. P. O. W. THE ESCAPE is not a serious film and nothing to go out of your way to see unless you're a fan of cheesy Cannon Films of this ilk (i.e. AMERICAN NINJA, THE DELTA FORCE, PLATOON LEDER, etc.).