- Tracy Turnblad: Oh, Link. This is so romantic. l wish - l wish l was dark-skinned.
- Link Larkin: Tracy, our souls are black, even though our skin is white.
- Wilbur: Maybe Tracy could be some sort of campus leader.
- Edna Turnblad: Wilbur, it's the times. They're a-changin'. Something's blowin' in the wind. Fetch me my diet pills, would you, hon?
- Edna Turnblad: Tracy, I have told you about that hair. All ratted up like a teenage Jezebel!
- Penny Pingleton: Tracy's flamboyant flip is all the rage, Ms. Edna. Jackie Kennedy, our First Lady, even rats her hair.
- Edna Turnblad: But Tracy ain't no First Lady. Are your Tracy? No siree. She's a hair hopper, that's what she is!
- Iggy: Would you swim in an integrated swimming pool?
- Tracy Turnblad: I sure would, Iggy. I'm a modern kind of girl, I'm all for integration.
- Prudence: Penny Pingleton, you know you are punished. From now on you're wearing a giant P on your blouse every day to school so that the whole world knows that Penny Pingleton is permanently, positively, punished.
- Tracy Turnblad: How do you get your hair so straight and so flat?
- Beatnik Chick: With an iron, man. I play my bongos, listen to Odetta, and then I iron my hair. Dig?
- Tammy: Please wait outside. The council will now meet in secret, debate your personality flaws, and come to a final decision.
- Beatnik Chick: When I'm high I am Odetta. Let's get naked and smoke.
- Link Larkin: Don't breathe it in. You'll be addicted.
- Seaweed: Later, sister, later. Much later.
- Beatnik Chick: [reading from Allen Ginsberg Howl] 'l saw the best minds of my generation, destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves...
- Amber Von Tussle: That girl's got roaches in her hair!
- Edna Turnblad: Roaches? Our little Tracy's a clean teen!
- Wilbur: There's no bugs on our baby!
- Amber Von Tussle: I'm not kidding. I just saw one!
- Velma Von Tussle: And you had to choose a colored record as your favorite song, didn't you? That's nice for the neighbors. You've got something against Connie Francis? Shelley Fabares? l love Shelley Fabares. Amber? Amber, are you listening to me? We have to have a little talk. You know, if your father is forced to integrate Tilted Acres, we're out of business. So, at least act white on television.
- Amber Von Tussle: Leave me alone, mother. "Shake a Tail Feather" is a wild song. lts got a good beat, and you can dance to it.
- Motormouth Maybelle: Oh Papa Tooney. We've got a Looney.
- Prudence Pingleton: Don't you try to cast one of your voodoo spells on me, native woman.
- Amber Von Tussle: Aren't you a little fat for the show?
- Tammy: That's enough, Amber.
- Tracy Turnblad: I would imagine many of the other home viewers are also pleasantly plump or chunky.
- Amber Von Tussle: Oh, come on. The show's not filmed in Cinemascope.
- Amber Von Tussle: [Amber is gossiping with two friends in school] Anyway, she was right there in the car, in plain sight of just everybody at the hop. She was nude.
- Amber's school friend #1: No!
- Amber's school friend #2: That fat thing?
- Amber Von Tussle: Tracy Turnblad is a whore.
- Velma Von Tussle: Hey you. Can I ask you a personal question?
- Edna Turnblad: No, you may not.
- Velma Von Tussle: Is your daughter mulatto?
- Tracy Turnblad: Mother, we're watching "The Corny Collins Show".
- Edna Turnblad: Penny, your mother called all frantic. She said you are punished.
- Penny Pingleton: I'm always punished.
- Tracy Turnblad: I'm an integrationist. We shall overcome someday.
- Beatnik Chick: Not with that hair, you won't.
- Wilbur: Tracy, we all have responsibilities in life. You may think owning The Hardy Har Joke Shop is all drudgery. Unwrapping dribble glasses, checking doggy doo, but I love it.
- I.Q. Jones: Do you relate to the music of Leslie Gore?
- Nadine: Look, she ain't no James Brown, but I can dance to Lawrence Welk if I have to.
- Penny Pingleton: I'm just a little nervous.
- Tammy: This is show business young lady. If you're nervous now. Hah. Wait 'til you're on the air.
- Wilbur: Tracy, did you do your chores around the house today?
- Edna Turnblad: Not Miss Tracy, Cyd Charisse herself. She's too busy ratting her hair and doing the Ubangi stomp.
- Beatnik Chick: You two, checkerboard chick?
- Penny Pingleton: What?
- Beatnik Chick: You know, black and white? Salt and pepper?
- Penny Pingleton: Well, yes, I'm a checkerboard chick, I guess
- Geometry Student: I can't see through her hair.
- Tracy Turnblad: I can't help it if he's short.
- Geometry Teacher: You're ratted hair is preventing yet another student's geometry education.
- Tracy Turnblad: It's feathered, not ratted.
- Geometry Teacher: Whatever you call it, it's a hair don't. You've been warned repeatedly. I want you to take a little walk down to the principle's office. Let's see what he has to say
- Amber Von Tussle: Oh, God, of all nights! A Corny Collins Record Hop and l've got craters. Oh, just pop it! Pop it!
- Velma Von Tussle: Just relax. Relax. Don't be ridiculous. Take it easy. Tension is the worst thing for a complexion.
- Prudence Pingleton: [Seaweed is hiding in Penny's bedroom] Oh my God! There's colored people in my house! I'm going to make a citizen's arrest!
- Motormouth Maybelle: No matter what you've heard, we are gonna teach the white children how to do The Bird!
- Franklin von Tussle: Well, personally, l have nothing against them. lts merely a matter of economics. Tilted Acres will never be integrated.
- Velma Von Tussle: Segregation today!
- Franklin von Tussle: Segregation tomorrow.
- Franklin von Tussle, Velma Von Tussle: Segregation forever!
- Velma Von Tussle: Don't forget, l was Miss Soft Crab in 1945 and that title wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. l worked for it.
- Corny Collins: All right. Hold on to your hats, all you continental rockers 'cause it's *dance* contest time and we've got the wildest judge in town. You listen to her every night on WEDD and she hosts Negro Day on The Corny Collins Show, the last Thursday of every month. A warm welcome for the Queen of Baltimore soul: Miss Motormouth Maybelle herself, ladies and gentlemen! Let's hear it, Baltimore - Motormouth Maybelle! All right, here she comes, looking very fine.
- [Applause]
- Motormouth Maybelle: Ooh whee! Tiddley papa! l am a whopper!
- [Applause]
- Motormouth Maybelle: Motormouth Maybelle is my name and, sweetheart, dancin' is my game.
- [Applause]
- Motormouth Maybelle: Motormouth, Motormouth, Motormouth!
- Penny Pingleton: Segregation never! lntegration now!
- Penny Pingleton, Mrs. Shipley, L'il Inez: Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now!
- Mrs. Malinski: It ain't right to be dancing on TV to that colored music.
- Edna Turnblad: She's just a teenager.
- Corny Collins: What's your favorite record from the survey?
- I.Q. Jones, Lou Ann Levorowski: Gravy!
- Corny Collins: All right. Here's l.Q. Jones and Lou Ann Levorowski leading our next dance, give me "Gravy" on my mashed potatoes.
- Seaweed: Wow, you cats are real beatniks.
- Link Larkin: Just like New York.
- Beatnik Chick: Day-o!
- [bangs the bongo drum, sings]
- Beatnik Chick: Day-o, Daylight's a-comin' and he wanna go home