Alan Rickman credited as playing...
- Sinclair: We spend too much time thinking about the end of the world. It isn't going to happen. Today. I promise you. Not before lunch.
- Sinclair: I knew there was something extraordinary between you two, something which had to be purged. I don't want to know. There is a limit beyond which I can't go.
- Sinclair: These ashtrays are interesting, they're ridiculously large. People proclaim their importance in such a crass fashion. What will historians make of these ashtrays?
- Richard: You're interested in everything, Sinclair.
- Sinclair: These lists, ashtrays, this secretary here, you.
- Natalie: Oh, go on, you can read it, I can see you edging toward it.
- Sinclair: Just one chapter. It's the only thing that shuts me up.
- Sinclair: Other people's children are wonderful, aren't they?
- Sinclair: I do believe, I have to confess, in spending money , not just hoarding it.
- Sinclair: She's lying to me, all the time. When people lie to you, you suddenly can't think of anything else.
- Richard: You've spotted little signs, have you?
- Sinclair: ...little signs... didn't need to. She's been carrying around a giant placard saying, "I've been fucking somebody else."
- Sinclair: Something tells me its the end of the party.
- Sinclair: Those fires, a typical end to summer.
- Natalie: I certainly wouldn't call this summer typical.