23 reviews
I know where it all went wrong. The cover. Prototype's tape cover shows a fake-looking robot standing against the background of a virtual reality grid. Instead it should have been showing a couple of lovers with expressions of suffering on their faces and some kind of dramatic quote. The movie should not have been called "Prototype" but rather something like "Desert Roses". It would have attracted a different kind of audience and would have perhaps been much better received.
Even if the people watching this B-movie do not admit to having any expectations for it, they are subconsciously expecting to see indications of some genre. Yet they receive none because Prototype can't pick a genre. Well then, is it like one of those smart genre-transcending films? Well, no. Firstly, because it is not smart and secondly, because even those kind of movies are clearly about something and generally pick an emotional focal point out of each genre on which to base the storyline and Prototype doesn't really get its footing in any of the genres. However if we tried to pinpoint a genre, it would most definitely not be an action movie, but a drama. It is a poorly executed drama.
The story is about a problematic couple getting caught up in the leftovers of a vague futuristic conspiracy. The setting is an 80s post-apocalyptic world.
There are multiple aspects of the story that could have been much better developed. It is not that the movie does not have enough material, like some have suggested. It is that the makers did not do enough with the material at hand. There is a whole movie out there about nothing more than a guy who gets his hand stuck in a rock, and it managed to keep its audience interested. Prototype is just poorly executed. The few action scenes are laughable. The stuff in between the action scenes doesn't have enough expression, contains horrible camera decisions and is in desperate need of better dialogue.
Having said that, the movie is somewhat underrated as it does have an interesting style and the acting, which this movie heavily relies upon, is not that bad. Unfortunately its style is a slow one, and unless you have a lot of patience with pessimistic sci-fi dramas, you will not like this.
I wish someone redid this movie and gave it life rather than a zombie existence.
Even if the people watching this B-movie do not admit to having any expectations for it, they are subconsciously expecting to see indications of some genre. Yet they receive none because Prototype can't pick a genre. Well then, is it like one of those smart genre-transcending films? Well, no. Firstly, because it is not smart and secondly, because even those kind of movies are clearly about something and generally pick an emotional focal point out of each genre on which to base the storyline and Prototype doesn't really get its footing in any of the genres. However if we tried to pinpoint a genre, it would most definitely not be an action movie, but a drama. It is a poorly executed drama.
The story is about a problematic couple getting caught up in the leftovers of a vague futuristic conspiracy. The setting is an 80s post-apocalyptic world.
There are multiple aspects of the story that could have been much better developed. It is not that the movie does not have enough material, like some have suggested. It is that the makers did not do enough with the material at hand. There is a whole movie out there about nothing more than a guy who gets his hand stuck in a rock, and it managed to keep its audience interested. Prototype is just poorly executed. The few action scenes are laughable. The stuff in between the action scenes doesn't have enough expression, contains horrible camera decisions and is in desperate need of better dialogue.
Having said that, the movie is somewhat underrated as it does have an interesting style and the acting, which this movie heavily relies upon, is not that bad. Unfortunately its style is a slow one, and unless you have a lot of patience with pessimistic sci-fi dramas, you will not like this.
I wish someone redid this movie and gave it life rather than a zombie existence.
I consider myself to be a major contender in the terms of low budget science fiction, i'm not one to brag but when I was a teenager, the movie clerk would say that I was keeping him in business by renting the obscure flicks that basically came and went without much of an impression. Prototype X29A (Which I guess is titled Prototype) is a movie that reminded me a lot like the equally dull Nemesis, in that it seems to labor to tell a story that has lots of heart and excitement but fails in most regards. Actually there are some okay moments that surface, for one of the characters is admittedly likable. The guy in a wheelchair has our sympathy, he wants to become a robot so he can have his true love but this is all abandoned for stupid quirkiness which add little to the story and nothing that is interesting. Plus the whole rebel underground subplot and the totalitarian government are clichés borrowed from Albert Pyun. I actually saw Prototype X29A in a double-bill with ROTOR, at least ROTOR (While admittedly far worse) was hilarious to watch. This one was just a decorated bore with little merit.
*1/2 out of 4-(Poor)
*1/2 out of 4-(Poor)
- fmarkland32
- Sep 21, 2006
- Permalink
You know sometimes you're wandering through Youtube looking for groovy old scifi movies (that hark back to the days when a 40 MB hard drive was apparently something to get excited about) and you find yourself watching something that you then keep watching because you're convinced at some point the writer(s) will remember to inject a plot and some decent dialogue into the thing?
Yeahhh. That was me watching this ... and wondering why, at the 55 minute mark (a) nothing of note had happened, (b) I had no idea how any of the characters related to one another, (c) some wheelchair dude with an uber mullet was pouting a lot because his skanky gf wasn't putting out - coz he was in a wheelchair I think?, and (d) where this was all going... because it felt kinda like nowhere.
Luckily there's an option to skip ahead in small jumps, which I started doing at the 62 minute mark just to get some sort of closure before heading off to watch something actually entertaining.
Good luck. Recommended if you can't sleep...
Yeahhh. That was me watching this ... and wondering why, at the 55 minute mark (a) nothing of note had happened, (b) I had no idea how any of the characters related to one another, (c) some wheelchair dude with an uber mullet was pouting a lot because his skanky gf wasn't putting out - coz he was in a wheelchair I think?, and (d) where this was all going... because it felt kinda like nowhere.
Luckily there's an option to skip ahead in small jumps, which I started doing at the 62 minute mark just to get some sort of closure before heading off to watch something actually entertaining.
Good luck. Recommended if you can't sleep...
- monk-81907
- Jul 21, 2018
- Permalink
I bought this...I admit...
Why? How could I? Was I thinking that this would somehow be in some weird and insane way even somewhat relative to one of the BEST robot/action/science fiction movies ever - Terminator 1,2 and 3?
Well it had a cool wasteland location...that is the good points...oh and whoever polished the suit of the prototype did a decent job of wax and polish...they have a great and bright future in car detail.
That aside...everybody else's comments on how rightfully and ruthlessly horrible this is are justified.
It's not just boring, it's also stupid...which makes it a double whammy.
Total waste of time unless you haven't slept for several days like I do from time to time.
This was a cure for sleep deprivation.
I think that this was produced by Philip-Morris...it had to be. Almsot every scene consists of people smoking...and not just for a cool look...but for need.
The future is dreary, dry, desolate...and in the future I will need to smoke endlessly...it's a requirement...well, that and to walk around with an angry scowl on my face.
I don't think anybody smiles - even half cased. It's MANDATORY to be consistently angry AND smoke at the same time.
There you go...my comments on a truly original film.
Oh...was it a real inspiration? That I hopefully die before 2057, so that I don't have to spend all my money on smokes and bad haircuts.
Now, I have this piece of art in my film collection. Should I die now or wait till I buy another fantastic motion picture like this?
Why? How could I? Was I thinking that this would somehow be in some weird and insane way even somewhat relative to one of the BEST robot/action/science fiction movies ever - Terminator 1,2 and 3?
Well it had a cool wasteland location...that is the good points...oh and whoever polished the suit of the prototype did a decent job of wax and polish...they have a great and bright future in car detail.
That aside...everybody else's comments on how rightfully and ruthlessly horrible this is are justified.
It's not just boring, it's also stupid...which makes it a double whammy.
Total waste of time unless you haven't slept for several days like I do from time to time.
This was a cure for sleep deprivation.
I think that this was produced by Philip-Morris...it had to be. Almsot every scene consists of people smoking...and not just for a cool look...but for need.
The future is dreary, dry, desolate...and in the future I will need to smoke endlessly...it's a requirement...well, that and to walk around with an angry scowl on my face.
I don't think anybody smiles - even half cased. It's MANDATORY to be consistently angry AND smoke at the same time.
There you go...my comments on a truly original film.
Oh...was it a real inspiration? That I hopefully die before 2057, so that I don't have to spend all my money on smokes and bad haircuts.
Now, I have this piece of art in my film collection. Should I die now or wait till I buy another fantastic motion picture like this?
- vampyrecowboy
- Sep 19, 2006
- Permalink
What wasn't magical about this movie? Futuristic sex combined with phenomenal special effects and massive amounts of cigarette smoking made this sci-fi thriller a hit!!! With the star power in this movie, I knew I was in for a treat. I mean, Brenda Swanson and Prototype...what a stellar line-up!! I became even more intrigued when I discovered that this was actually the third part of the Terminator trilogy. This became evident when access was granted about two thirds into the movie. Finally, I'd just like to say this movie was part man, part machine, and ALL KILLER!!!
- LittleMonster
- Mar 11, 2002
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- dariuslanghoff
- Aug 13, 2017
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- kurtastbury
- Dec 3, 2007
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Throughout the movie, I kept on thinking to myself, "This movie would have been a lot better if it were an anime." It has all the features of an anime and could have been a pretty good one, but it's just that it didn't work out too well with live action. It was easy to notice that the director had some nice ideas, with the colors and all, but it just didn't work out for him. To date, the only movies I've seen that have successfully portrayed a good anime in live action form are "Romeo Must Die," "The Matrix," and "Pi."
- mynameisal
- Nov 27, 2000
- Permalink
I can say without reservation that this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I was mesmerized in a certain way by the inane and nonsensical plot, the wooden acting, and the boring action sequences. To fully understand what happened in this film you would probably have to watch it more than once, which would be absolutely unbearable. If you really feel like seeing a bad movie, and not just a somewhat less than good movie, this is the one for you.
- hibiscus-5
- Sep 16, 2001
- Permalink
damn..... this movie.... its SSSSSSSOOOO lame.... it really is.. there are a few points i just want u to know before watching the movie..
1: it has NO good music.... u have to same MIDI 1.5 hour long.... it doesn't stop..
2: the way they filmed it is SSSSO XTREMLY BORING.... there isnt a cool scene in the whole movie... (just as boring as the midi music)
3: i am a SCI-FI FAN... but.... while watching this movie.... i couldn't stop laughing... I don't know why.. but i think because its so LAME
1: it has NO good music.... u have to same MIDI 1.5 hour long.... it doesn't stop..
2: the way they filmed it is SSSSO XTREMLY BORING.... there isnt a cool scene in the whole movie... (just as boring as the midi music)
3: i am a SCI-FI FAN... but.... while watching this movie.... i couldn't stop laughing... I don't know why.. but i think because its so LAME
Prototype X-29A is about a wheelchair guy who volunteers to be a cyborg so he can stick his cyborg pecker in the woman he loves. Turns out he is being utilized to be an assassin for the gov'ment to kill off the resistance or something. I loved this movie and I'm wrong in doing so but I don't give a $#!+ what you think. I like the action which was gun toting crap with some marital arts and the post apocalyptic look was convincing enough. The cyborg was cool even if it looks like it came from a Japanese movie. I agree the film moves like elephant sex and the story is disjointed as hell but eh. It is cheesy sci fi slow paced garbage and I love it so lick my butt.
- DavyDissonance
- Dec 27, 2017
- Permalink
I lost a dare on this pile (and my voice after yelling at it for twenty minutes). I can usually find SOMETHING redeeming in even the worst movie, but I couldn't stop screaming "WHY?!" at every pointless scene that dragged this mess even further into the dirt. Nothing. NOTHING. It wasn't even fun making fun of. What's fun of tearing apart something that's worse than the most vile insult I can think of? I'd be giving this trainwreck (for the life of me, I still don't understand the plot) credit if I called it a 'movie.' If you want a challenge, go ahead and try to joke it, but you'll probably be just as frustrated as we were.
In the far-flung future, in the ruined city of Los Angeles, cyborgs called "Prototypes" are on the hunt for any remaining, partially-human "Omegas".
PROTOTYPE is another TERMINATOR clone, complete with unstoppable robots, a remnant human race, a tough female warrior, and a child savior.
Unfortunately, since there was obviously no money involved in the making of this film, the presentation is irredeemably slipshod. In the hands of someone like Roger Corman, this could have been an enjoyable schlock classic. No such luck.
The idiotic characters range from mildly to insufferably annoying, and the "special" effects are not up to the task. In addition, there's simply no excuse for just how bloody boring it all is! If boredom was a crime, then this movie would get the chair! Hell, the titular figure doesn't even enter the picture until the final 15-20 minutes, and still nothing happens!
In a word, this is awful...
PROTOTYPE is another TERMINATOR clone, complete with unstoppable robots, a remnant human race, a tough female warrior, and a child savior.
Unfortunately, since there was obviously no money involved in the making of this film, the presentation is irredeemably slipshod. In the hands of someone like Roger Corman, this could have been an enjoyable schlock classic. No such luck.
The idiotic characters range from mildly to insufferably annoying, and the "special" effects are not up to the task. In addition, there's simply no excuse for just how bloody boring it all is! If boredom was a crime, then this movie would get the chair! Hell, the titular figure doesn't even enter the picture until the final 15-20 minutes, and still nothing happens!
In a word, this is awful...
- DakedoJones
- Jul 4, 2012
- Permalink
- DigitalRevenantX7
- Jun 10, 2015
- Permalink
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, before I begin to review this sh*thole of a movie, I'd like to present with you this fun and amusing little tidbit I found on this website.
Phillip J. Roth - the maker of this movie, has a portion of himself on IMDb. I'm almost one hundred and damn percent sure that, after seeing this load of BS on my television screen, either he paid someone to write up his biography, or he did it himself. It begins by explaining, briefly, his humble beginnings and mentions two movies of which I just rented ('borrowed', if you will, since the place I was getting them from sold them for a quarter). "Both of which have amazingly intricate and well-woven time-travel story lines." If by 'well-woven', you mean, have a crippled man jerking off to a VR pornography device (he browses and smiles wide at the thought of necrophelia for a good moment, before wanting to hit up some ugly blond) and characters wandering around aimlessly around Los Angeles 'wanting' to fight a non-existent war against... nothing in particular, then, alright. You go ahead and believe that. Somehow I can't quite imagine a 'future', in which all robots wear codpieces, suspenders, and Darth Vader helmets.
It goes on to say he "amazingly" writes, produces, and directs this. Uwe Boll, I believe, does the same thing to his movies. And I guess we can all figure out about his own reputation. If this biography is to believed, maybe they should get into the boxing match! Haha HAAA! "Perhaps this injustice," it explains, about why his movies only go to TV and home video, "is because of apathy of behalf of the 'average film fan' who would rather watch some brainless action than 'truly thought-provoking' cinema.'" Obviously this dumbsh*t didn't watch the better robot movies 'Terminator', 'RoboCop', and 'Bicentennial Man'. I mentioned the last one, because it says he's still working. Roth? If you're listening, stop lying to yourself, and quit Hollywood. Quit making movies. Quit everything, and shoot yourself. 'Prototype X29A' is a fitting title, since the whole thing practically borrows everything from every other movie, and adds strippers for recognition.
Notice how his bio was written by 'Anonymous.' Yeah, he totally wrote that. Sorry, chum.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, before I begin to review this sh*thole of a movie, I'd like to present with you this fun and amusing little tidbit I found on this website.
Phillip J. Roth - the maker of this movie, has a portion of himself on IMDb. I'm almost one hundred and damn percent sure that, after seeing this load of BS on my television screen, either he paid someone to write up his biography, or he did it himself. It begins by explaining, briefly, his humble beginnings and mentions two movies of which I just rented ('borrowed', if you will, since the place I was getting them from sold them for a quarter). "Both of which have amazingly intricate and well-woven time-travel story lines." If by 'well-woven', you mean, have a crippled man jerking off to a VR pornography device (he browses and smiles wide at the thought of necrophelia for a good moment, before wanting to hit up some ugly blond) and characters wandering around aimlessly around Los Angeles 'wanting' to fight a non-existent war against... nothing in particular, then, alright. You go ahead and believe that. Somehow I can't quite imagine a 'future', in which all robots wear codpieces, suspenders, and Darth Vader helmets.
It goes on to say he "amazingly" writes, produces, and directs this. Uwe Boll, I believe, does the same thing to his movies. And I guess we can all figure out about his own reputation. If this biography is to believed, maybe they should get into the boxing match! Haha HAAA! "Perhaps this injustice," it explains, about why his movies only go to TV and home video, "is because of apathy of behalf of the 'average film fan' who would rather watch some brainless action than 'truly thought-provoking' cinema.'" Obviously this dumbsh*t didn't watch the better robot movies 'Terminator', 'RoboCop', and 'Bicentennial Man'. I mentioned the last one, because it says he's still working. Roth? If you're listening, stop lying to yourself, and quit Hollywood. Quit making movies. Quit everything, and shoot yourself. 'Prototype X29A' is a fitting title, since the whole thing practically borrows everything from every other movie, and adds strippers for recognition.
Notice how his bio was written by 'Anonymous.' Yeah, he totally wrote that. Sorry, chum.
- aaronmocksing1987
- Dec 5, 2010
- Permalink
Remember him from the O. J. Simpson trial? One of his earliest films. This movie has some style to it. The lighting, the editing, the music all has some Miami Vice influences. Too bad the screen play, script, and the acting is so bad. If you are in the mood for an early 90's throwback, and there is absolutely nothing else to watch... well, you've been warned.
- vdoman-22321
- Sep 2, 2021
- Permalink
Some movies are so bad, its funny or intertaining. Some are bad, but with charm or good acting, or story.... This one is just pure BAD... Its more fun to see ice cubes melting, or paint dry out.
Stay away or be prepared to sleep!
Stay away or be prepared to sleep!
- jasperkjaerlarsen-22700
- Dec 1, 2021
- Permalink
How'd she end up in this movie? It doesn't make sense? Isn't she supposed to be an Indiana Jones type? Then why do they make her sit in front of a computer terminal the whole movie? Sure is a waste of her talents...
I saw this quite a few years ago, probably on a Friday night when I had nothing better to do and had no desire to hit the bars--which would have been a better option, considering the movie. I remember being markedly unimpressed by the film, so much so that I woke up at one point and thought, Man is this thing ever gonna end? I remember seeing Kato Kaelin's name in the end credits, but never had the desire to rewind it and look for him. There aren't many films I have fallen asleep during, particularly early in the evening after a good night's rest, but this thing was like a Valium to a guy on Speed. Highly recommended as a curative if you are an insomniac.
- onionhead101
- Jan 24, 2004
- Permalink
Very rarely does there come a movie which I consider to be completely without merit. I even granted Godzilla (1998) some points just for being a fun night out. But this movie... boring in a very special way. If you'd like a guaranteed cure for insomnia, feel free to check it out!
- saint_brett
- Mar 20, 2023
- Permalink