This film essentially begins with the notorious arms dealer named "Kane" (Geoffrey Moore) hiring an assassin by the name of "Blu Steele" (Julie Strain) to steal an extremely rare diamond from a Chinese businessman named "Chang" (Aki Aleong). The problem Kane has, however, is that the diamond is being protected by several American federal agents--most notably "Donna Hamilton" (Dona Speir) and "Nicole Justin" (Roberta Vasquez)--who have thwarted a number of his schemes in the past. Not only that, but both Donna and Nicole are aware that Kane has his sights set on stealing this diamond and are convinced they can prevent that from happening. At least, that is what they think. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, much like all of the other films in the series, this picture had a decent plot but it was negated, in part, by the poor script and weak acting by almost everyone concerned. Admittedly, it does have a number of attractive women with Ava Cadell (as "Ava") and Dona Speir standing out the most, in my opinion. But even so, none of these ladies could overcome the obvious flaws just mentioned and because of that I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.