Bess Armstrong credited as playing...
Patty Chase
- Rayanne: Don't tell her I was here. I mean I guess you will because you guys are tight.
- Patty: Tight?
- Rayanne: It's not like she tells you everything, but you know...
- Patty: No.
- Rayanne: But, like, if something really horrible happened.
- Patty: Did something really horrible happen?
- Rayanne: I guess. But I didn't really think it was. She said she was totally over him.
- Patty: You mean Jordan?
- Rayanne: Otherwise, I would have never done it. Cause it's not something either of us really... it was just like, this thing that happened. It was just, like, there.
- Patty: You and Jordan?
- Rayanne: You hate my guts. I mean, I guess I would too. If I were you.
- Patty: No. No, no, I don't hate you. I guess I can certainly understand how Angela feels.
- Rayanne: I've never really hurt somebody this bad before. It's hard to believe, but I guess you can't really hurt someone this bad unless you really matter to them. Please don't tell her I was here.
- Sharon Cherski: [inner monologues] I resolve to never again have sex with Kyle, or anyone, ever again unless I really love and respect them.
- Kyle Vinnovich: To spend more time with the dog and Sharon.
- Brian: I resolve to stop obsessing over Angela Chase.
- Danielle Chase: To badger mom into letting me wear makeup.
- Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez: To find someplace where I, like, really belong.
- Angela: But, what if not thinking turns me into this really shallow person? I better rethink this becoming less introspective thing.
- Rayanne: To stop drinking. But this time, like, really stop.
- Patty: I resolve to be less judgmental. Less critical. To lighten up. And, above all, to be more supportive and less suspicious not matter how much it seems like he's hiding something.
- Graham: To tell Hallie Lowenthal once and for all that I'm not going into the restaurant business with her. And to stop all those long talks with her after class.
- Jordan: Wait a second. Isn't tonight New Years Eve?
- Angela: Okay, so I'll stay introspective. But I do resolve to stop doing Jordan Catalano's homework.
- Jordan: Wow, food!
- Angela: What are you doing here? It's late. It's really late. My parents are right upstairs.
- Jordan: They are?
- Angela: Well, they live here.
- Jordan: Well, you said you wanted to do it in your room while your parents were asleep.
- Angela: I was joking! Seriously, you have to go.
- Jordan: Okay.
- [kisses Angela]
- Jordan: So, you know that empty house on Cloverdale? The one that's been for sale for, like, forever.
- Angela: [hears noise] Wait a second.
- Jordan: Tino found a way to get in through this window in the back. So people have been going there. You know, to have a place to go. So you want to? Friday night.
- Angela: Like, breaking and entering?
- Jordan: Just entering so we can, you know, be somewhere.
- Patty: Angela?
- Angela: Mom?
- [runs out of kitchen]
- Patty: Didn't I predict this? Didn't I predict that this would happen? Didn't I tell you that you'd be hungry later? Now, look, I'm not trying to interfere. But I think that it's important that we all eat dinner together as a family.
- Angela: No, me too! I agree. Absolutely, as a family.
- Patty: Okay. You finish up whatever it is that you're nibbling on in there and don't leave a mess for me to clean up. Oh, and don't forget what we talked about tonight. About daddy and me meeting your friend Jordan.
- Angela: Shh! I won't.
- Patty: Sweetheart! There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You like this Jordan. I have no problem with that. We just want to meet him!
- [exits upstairs]
- Jordan: So you like me? I mean, your mother says you like me.
- Angela: Shut up!
- Jordan: So, Friday night?
- Angela: Right, the house.
- Jordan: There are like eight bedrooms.
- Angela: That many.
- Patty: I can't believe that Jordan Catalano was here and I missed him!
- Hallie Lowenthal: Oh honey, we're talking gorgeous.
- Patty: I can't believe it! I missed everything. What is he like?
- Graham: Oh, you know.
- Patty: No! I don't know! That's why I'm asking.
- Graham: Well, I don't know. He's a kid.
- Hallie Lowenthal: You're asking a man to describe someone when I'm sitting here? He was just like, fairly out of it. Not unintelligent. Sort of like, stray puppy. You know the type you just want to ease their pain? He might even be, like, a halfway decent person. But let me tell you, trouble! Way too gorgeous.
- Patty: Thank you.
- Danielle Chase: [Answers phone] Hello? Angela! Telephone.
- Angela: Hello?
- Jordan: Hey.
- Angela: Hi!
- [pauses]
- Angela: Danielle, hang up! Danielle, I know you're listening. I can hear the TV.
- Patty: Danielle, come on. Let's respect Angela's privacy.
- Jordan: So, Rayanne Graff is here.
- Angela: Rayanne is there? Oh. What's she doing there?
- Jordan: I don't know. I was sorta gonna ask you. I mean, no one even invited her. Now she's, like, coming onto my drummer acting like she's high. What does she want?
- Angela: I don't know. I don't have anything to do with it. So how's rehearsal going?
- Jordan: Sucks. Right now everyone's basically just sitting around the loft drinking beer.
- Angela: Danielle, hang up!
- [to Jordan]
- Angela: Um, so I'm really sorry about Rayanne. I'm glad you called, though. This is the first time you've ever called me on the phone.
- Jordan: I gotta go.
- Rayanne: Just so you know, I didn't drink that whiskey. I poured it back. You can ask Angela.
- Patty: You haven't had one drink since that night in the hospital?
- Rayanne: Nope. Swear to God.
- Patty: Why didn't you tell me you stopped seeing your counselor?
- Rayanne: I don't know. Just because I wanted you to think I was okay so you wouldn't mind if I stayed friends with Angela.
- Patty: I guess she means a lot to you, huh?
- Rayanne: I guess that's, like, the one think you and I have in common. Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Chase.
- Patty: Rayanne?
- Rayanne: Yo.
- Patty: Apparently you and I are in the same karass. Call me Patty.
- Rayanne: Patty... thanks. For, like, my life.
- Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez: Mrs. Chase, I really appreciate what you did tonight.
- Patty: It's okay.
- Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez: Has there ever been someone...
- Patty: What?
- Enrique (Rickie) Vasquez: Did you ever try to protect someone so much that it hurt?
- Patty: That wasn't your beer the other day, was it?
- Angela: I guess I kinda screwed everything up for you today. With the party.
- Patty: No. You did the right thing. You called me. I mean it. You promise me that you'll always do that? You'll always call?
- Angela: Okay! Okay, I promise. How did you know all that stuff? Like, what to do?
- Patty: I had this roommate in college who actually was a lot like Rayanne, now that I'm remembering.
- Angela: You're kidding. So, what happened?
- Patty: Well, pretty much what happened tonight. Except she died.
- Angela: So, did you like her?
- Patty: A lot.
- Angela: How old was she?
- Patty: Angela, what I'm seeing in your future is so frightening. It scares the hell out of me. I mean, what do I do? Do I just not let you see her anymore? Would that even work?
- Angela: No. Mom, I can't... she's my friend. Please, just trust me.
- Patty: Actually, I do.
- Patty: Now that you and Jordan are...
- Angela: Oh my God. Mom, please.
- Patty: Angela, I can accept that you have a boyfriend.
- Angela: I don't have a boyfriend!
- Patty: Fine. A pal. A male pal. Whatever word you want to choose. The point is, I'm your mother and I don't think you're ready.
- Angela: Mom!
- Patty: I don't think you're ready, but I have to know if this is what's happening because I don't think that I can keep you...
- Angela: Please stop.
- Patty: I need to know that you're using... I mean, I remember how this feels. I do. But, it's the times that we live in. Honey, I know that you don't want to think about these things. I know that you're invulnerable, but you have to use some kind of protection if you are going to be...
- Angela: Mom! I'm not having sex! Alright? Really. I'm not even close, to an embarrassing degree.
- Patty: Oh! Okay. I'm sorry, honey. I just... I want you to be prepared when the time comes. Whenever the time comes.
- Angela: It will never come. Not with Jordan.
- Patty: Honey, who is Jordan?
- Angela: No one. You mean Jordan Catalano?
- Patty: Is that his last name?
- Angela: I don't know, you brought it up.
- Patty: I met Rayanne's mom tonight and she was all excited about your new boyfriend, Jordan.
- Angela: Boyfriend? That's a laugh.
- Patty: So he's not your boyfriend?
- Angela: Mom, I barely know this person. I don't know if I want to know this person.
- Patty: Well then, you haven't?
- Angela: What did you hear? What did she tell you?
- Patty: Nothing. She didn't tell me anything.
- Angela: Did she say I was sleeping with Jordan Catalano?
- Patty: No! I mean, of course not. No one said that. It's just... well, I just wondered.
- Angela: She did! Didn't she? I can't believe this. I can't believe this! I hate everyone.
- Graham: If only he'd come into our lives when the girls were still young and impressionable.
- Patty: Rickie? He's incredible! You know that he re-organized the linen closet? He can't use a dish without washing it. He's like my mother only... mature.
- Graham: We should adopt him.
- Patty: If only it were that easy. God, he's such a great kid. I mean, what is going on? Why haven't we heard from his aunt and uncle? He's been here a week.
- Graham: I don't know. I've tried asking him about it.
- Patty: I know! He just changes the subject. I mean, don't they care? Do they even know where he is?
- Graham: You think I should talk to him again?
- Patty: We have to try and contact his family, or he has to. I mean, he can't just stay here forever.
- Patty: Well I have to say, from everything you've told me, I think it's clear that you never really meant to hurt her.
- Jordan: It's like, you think you're safe or something. Because you can just walk away anytime. Because you don't, like, need her. You don't need anyone. But the thing you didn't realize is you're wrong.
- [pauses]
- Jordan: Do you always wear this much makeup?
- Patty: Um, I was expecting company. An old friend. That was he just now on the phone. Seems that he has the touch of the flu or something and he took this decongestant or something and was afraid to drive.
- [laughs]
- Patty: This was a person who drove so recklessly when he was 17 that my parents wanted him dead.
- Jordan: Wow. Ironic.
- Patty: Were we wrong down there about Rickie?
- Graham: No, we weren't wrong.
- Patty: I mean, what do we really know about that boy? You know?
- Graham: Virtually nothing.
- Patty: We've never met his family. How on Earth are we supposed to know what the situation is?
- Graham: I know. Except, I do think he does make you kind of uncomfortable.
- Patty: What do you mean? Because he wears makeup?
- Graham: No, I'm just saying. What if that was Brian Krakow with bruises on his face? Well? That would be a different story, wouldn't it?
- Patty: Graham, you can't compare them. I mean, I've known Brian Krakow since he was five years old.
- Graham: I know, so have I! All I'm asking is, should that make a difference?
- Patty: Well, maybe not. But it does.
- Graham: I know.
- Patty: I don't think this was such a terrible evening.
- Graham: I never said it was.
- Patty: Yeah, but you're sitting there thinking it.
- Graham: You don't know what I'm thinking.
- Patty: Oh, shut up! How could you say that about my hair?
- Graham: What did I say?
- Patty: That it shows my ears more! What kind of a thing is that to say? You think I felt like tangoing with you after that?
- Graham: I didn't know what to say. All of a sudden there's this... this pressure to, you know... um, compliment you and lead.
- Patty: There is something wrong here. Am I right? We're drifting apart from seeing each other too much. We have become like furniture to each other, or something. I mean have we become incompatible? Because, we are terrible. We are terrible dancers!
- Graham: So what?
- Patty: So how can we have been together for so long and not be able to dance together?
- Graham: Because! Because we have been together for so long!
- Patty: Oh, sweetheart! Are you okay?
- Sharon Cherski: I guess. It's just that my boyfriend is, like, missing.
- Patty: He's going to be fine, your dad. Angela sends her love, by the way.
- Sharon Cherski: Okay.
- Patty: Camille, how can we help? Please, let us help. Let us take Sharon home with us.
- Sharon Cherski: What?
- Camille Cherski: Oh!
- Graham: It's not a bad idea if your mom's gonna stay here.
- Sharon Cherski: Uh, mom. Can I talk to you for a second? I can stay home alone by myself.
- Camille Cherski: You know what? Why don't you let them take you home. They're just trying to help. I'm going to be fine here. You know that, right? Are you okay?
- Sharon Cherski: Oh, yeah. No. Yes, I'm fine.
- Camille Cherski: I'll talk to you later, sweetie.
- Sharon Cherski: Great.
- Patty: I could have died. I did die! I mean, this woman knows and I don't know. She's not even a woman. She's like this 40-year old girl. She's gorgeous and she's telling me about my daughter's sex life, which apparently she now has, and I don't even know about it.
- Graham: Look, the girl talked to her mother. We don't know if it's true.
- Patty: Things are always true. Of course it's true.
- Graham: Here, taste this.
- Patty: I can't taste anything. Guns are going off at school, Angela's sleeping with someone.
- Graham: You don't know that!
- Patty: And even if she isn't, which I pray is true, she obviously has some kind of secret life which is completely apart from us. So what do we do? Do we confront her?
- Graham: Oh God, no. I don't want to know if it's true.
- Patty: What sort of attitude are we supposed to have? Are we supposed to have an attitude? I already have an attitude. It may be my mother's attitude. I don't want to get hysterical about this, but why not? Why shouldn't I be hysterical? She's fifteen! I should be hysterical.
- Angela: [looking at photo album] Oh my God! Mom, he's cute.
- Patty: I told you so.
- Angela: I can't trust your judgment on cuteness. Mom! You went hitchhiking?
- Patty: That is a totally fake picture! That never happened and it either of you girls ever attempt such a thing...
- Danielle Chase: Mom, you really haven't seen him since high school?
- Patty: Oh, I haven't even thought about him in years.
- Danielle Chase: That kind of thing gives me nightmares.
- Patty: What kind of thing?
- Danielle Chase: That you and daddy could get divorced.
- Angela: Danielle, she's gonna see him for one hour to talk about restaurants.
- Patty: Angela.
- Angela: Well, I mean a person can have feelings for someone even if they're not, like, the person anymore.
- Patty: Sweetie, Tony Poole is someone I knew long, long ago.
- Angela: Long, long ago. Like a fairy tale.
- Patty: Right. But he's not who I chose to make my life with. I chose your dad.
- Angela: But did you, like, love him?
- Patty: I'm not sure. With Tony it was crazy. We really did some pretty crazy and wild things back then. I did! What can I say? But, it's always tempting to lose yourself with someone who's maybe lost themselves. But eventually, you want reality.
- Danielle Chase: That makes sense.