352 of 603 found this mild
Sexual references.
A teen boy and a teen girl start to kiss and boy pushes her on the bed. He slides his hand up her thigh but she stops him.
A teen boy and a teen girl kissing in the bed then undress. The girl removes her bra, though breasts aren't shown. Sex is implied but not acted out on-screen, with characters dressing after the event.
A couple are seen taking off their clothes to have sex. No nudity is shown.
A teen girl flashes a teen boy, but we see her from the back.
299 of 398 found this severe
A non important character is stabbed by Ghostface multiple times in his office. Bloody. A later reference is made to his body being found gutted and hung from the football goalposts. Never shown.
A man's throat is slit and blood pours out. A woman finds blood all over her car windshield and then the man's bloody body slides onto the hood of her car.
A older teen is seen tied to a chair. The lights go out, and we hear disgusting ripping noises. When the lights come back on, the guy is covered in blood and his stomach is torn open with his intestines spilling onto the floor in the beginning of the movie. There are a few quick shots of this, but it's very graphic however brief and easy to skip.
Every character is severely bloodied and wounded by the climax. Some characters are covered in blood.
A girl is stabbed in the chest. Bloody. She sees her parents walking nearby and tries to call out but her voice is too quiet since she was stabbed in the throat. The killer stabs her many more times and her parents hear her being stabbed on a phone. They then find her hung from a tree, covered in blood, and with her intestines hanging out. Very bloody and disturbing.
There are many scenes where the killer attacks his victims, but he is also hit with fists, knees and feet as the victims defend themselves.
A man is shot in the shoulder.
The final act of the film contains alot of blood on the characters clothes and faces.
R violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
The finale is insanely violent, bloody and brutal. Most brutal scene by far.
229 of 435 found this moderate
22 uses of fuck, 16 shit, 4 dick, 12 asshole, 5 bitch, 2 whore, 3 slut, 5 damn, 7 hell, 4 bastard, 4 uses of goddamn
Frequent profanity.
282 of 362 found this mild
Teenagers drink beer at a party. It is shown they are underage drinking.
A sheriff smokes a cigarette.
259 of 369 found this severe
The opening is very intense, terrifying, and could be depressing.
An intense, melancholic scene where a mother and father have to witness their gored, dead daughter hanging on a tree.
Frequent violence includes multiple stabbings, shootings, and characters shown disemboweled. Bloody injuries are seen, and there are references to rape, torture, and suicide.
The movie's score by Marco Beltrami can be scary and disturbing. Especially in the opening scene.
Brutal bloody but not gory kills lots of swearing near the end of the movie, sexual references and frightening moments but it's not really a horror more of a murder mystery movie.
The film contains strong, sustained, sadistic threat where characters are often harassed, stalked and murdered by Ghostface. The manner in which characters are tormented before their gruesome deaths makes the violence hard-hitting and even though some aspects of the film are seen as comedic, the violence certainly is not.