Tom pursues Frankie up the indoor stairs and then outside across the roof and down the sixteen foot wall, where Frankie escapes past a building. Given that there was no ladder and nothing on which to climb, how did Tom get up the 16-foot wall to get back inside?
Tom cocks his revolver when he aims at Rory/Frankie on the boat. In subsequent shots the revolver is not cocked.
Supposedly set in winter in New York, yet scenes simultaneously feature snow and fully leaved deciduous trees.
In the pool game scene Frankie sinks the orange stripe ball (the thirteen ball) three times on his run to sinking the eight ball. Of course this might be the rules of this one particular bar, but that's a stretch.
At the beginning, when Frankie's Mother is dishing out the stew for dinner, she sits down, picks up her napkin and then clasps her hands together for grace without serving herself any food. In the next wide shot there is food on her plate.
When taking Rory/Frankie in to the police station, Tom and his partner leave him alone, though handcuffed, in the rear seat. It is standard police practice to have one officer in back with the suspect, and seated directly behind the driver. This prevents any assault on the driver, or attempt to escape without being observed - or seen too late by way of the rear view mirror as happened here.
At the beginning, in Belfast it's supposed to be September 1992 but the tax disc on the silver car that the spare tyre is taken out of the boot has a tax disc that says "9 94" (September 1994) meaning it has to have a new tax disc at this date. These are valid for a maximum of 1 year so even if the disc was bought on that day the maximum date could only be "9 93" - a full year before.
Police officers are specifically trained to act a certain way in tense situations. During the domestic violence call at the apartment, the suspect pulls a gun on Eddie, so his training should have kicked in to draw his gun instantly and shoot the suspect. All police departments are trained this way, as whenever a suspect points a pistol at an officer, they are automatically authorized to use deadly force, in lieu of current sociological events.
The gun handling of the M4 in the initial scene on the Northern Ireland border is embarrassingly wrong. The gun is charged with no ammo or magazine present. The mag is shoved in without being charged.
Final step in the shooter's preparation sequence is the slam closed the dust cover!? This immediately would cause a jam in a charged firearm after the first trigger pull.
Final step in the shooter's preparation sequence is the slam closed the dust cover!? This immediately would cause a jam in a charged firearm after the first trigger pull.
Tom, as a trained veteran policeman, would always wear a seatbelt, yet in the closeup of him during the traffic jam scene, he is not wearing it.
The 4x4 piece of wood Rory used to club one of the three home intruders is seen to bend like foam rubber.
When Frankie shoots out the car's passenger-side window with the shotgun, a tight grouping of five or six bullet holes also simultaneously appears below the door's window frame. Obviously a pre-fabricated setup that was exposed by a small explosive charge and that was covered by the black paint on the door.
During the first shoot out Frankie yells to Ronnie and points to him. We see Ronnie turn the corner and start to shoot. However if you look closely debris is falling "upward". Obviously the shot is in reverse. The same shot is repeated moments later but correctly.
The trawler's engine is at idle during the shootout, yet afterwards, Tom only turns the ship's wheel; he does not advance the throttle prior to turning the boat and heading back to shore.
The ring of keys that Frankie removes from the car's ignition does not have a handcuff key on it, and the two cops would not be able to pursue him in their car because the car is trapped in traffic, so there would be no point in Frankie's taking the keys with him, and he could not use them to open the handcuffs, as he later does on the train.
In the opening scenes the film is meant to be set in Belfast; however, the road markings are more like that of where it was filmed - the Republic of Ireland.
Frankie idles the trawler's engine just a few yards from the dock prior to Tom's accosting him, yet the boat is in open water when Tom takes the wheel and turns the boat back toward shore.
Even after Tom is made aware of Frankie's true identity, he occasionally still refers to/addresses Frankie as "Rory".