When "Downtown" Anderson is shown batting for the Minnesota
Twins and he strikes out, he is wearing number 14. But when he returns to the dugout and is chastised by Carlos Liston, Anderson is wearing number 16.
At the beginning of the scene of Gus and Maggie watching Downtown, Maggie is on Gus' right side, but the next time they're shown, Maggie is on Gus' left side.
Scoreboard inconsistencies during the final game at Buzz Stadium.
During the final game against the twins at buzz stadium the score board says the buzz got 2 runs in the 7th inning then 1 run in the 8th inning and it should be 4-3 yet they are only credited with 2 runs making the score 4-2 yet when number 40 hits and the player from 3rd scores they are not credited with the run but are finally credited with the run from the 8th inning so now the score is 4-3 even though with the player scoring from 3rd it should be 4-4.
The Minnesota Twins' AAA affiliate at the time was the Salt Lake Buzz.
There are two obvious instances of blue-screen use. One is when Taka Tanaka is making a relay throw home during the game in Minnesota. Another is when a Buzz player is sliding home beneath an apposing catcher. It's an obvious lift of a similar scene in one of the prior Major League movies in which the catcher appears to be added into the shot.
When "Downtown" Anderson leaves Gus' office after being benched for 3 games, the wall visibly flexes when he slams the door on his way out.
At 37:02 after Dorn gets off of the phone with Gus, there is a shot of the seats and in the middle row there is a person wearing a yellow shirt; and 10 minutes later at 47:01 when the Buzz are in the stadium they show fans getting to their seats and they use the same scene as before. Note the person in the yellow shirt in the middle of the screen.
When Gus is reading The Sporting News magazine, he is reading a article titled "Buzz Fly Into Third Place"", but if you pause it and zoom in on the article, it has nothing to do with the Buzz. Also, the surrounding columns have multiple placements of the same paragraphs all over the page.
A batter lays down a bunt and Gus (the catcher) is shown stepping forward and picking up the ball. The ball is stationary and sitting just a few feet in front of home plate, which is inconsistent with the speed of the ball that was hit. Obviously, a second baseball has been placed on the ground (initially out of the camera's view) for Gus to field.
Under Major-League Baseball's collective bargaining agreement with its players union, no Twins player could be forced to participate in a mid-season exhibition game against a non-Major League team.
When Gus learns that Huff wants to call Downtown Anderson up to the Twins, he's told that, as the team's manager, it's within Huff's power to do so. The decision to call up or send down players actually lies with the team's General Manager; as the field manager, Huff's only responsibility is to make on-field decisions with the team the GM assembles for him.
When the Buzz are playing the Twins in Minnesota, Hog strikes out the hitter looking, not swinging as announcer, Harry Doyle states.