Michael Welch credited as playing...
- Data: [Artim is getting over his distrust of Data, and beginning to bond with him] My operation depends on specifications that do not change. I will never know the experience of growing up or tripping over my own feet.
- Artim: But you've never had adults telling you what to do all the time, or bedtimes, or having to eat food you don't like.
- Data: I would gladly accept the requirement of a bedtime in exchange for knowing what it is like to be a child.
- Artim: Do machines ever play?
- Data: Yes. I play the violin, and my chess routines are quite advanced.
- Artim: No, I mean, haven't you ever just played? For fun?
- Data: [tentative, unsure what the boy is getting at] Androids do not have fun.
- Artim: Look, if you want to understand what it's like to be a child, you need to learn to play.