This rather short movie (only 61 minutes) begins with a man named "Frankie" (Sam Stewart) playing pool in a billiard parlor when a bald guy by the name of "Bob" (Bob Oran) appears and beats Frankie senseless. We then learn that Bob is Frankie's brother and that Frankie has apparently been messing around with Bob's wife, "Mary" (June Roberts). The movie then proceeds to give more details on what transpired prior to Bob beating up Frankie. Now rather than reveal anything else I will just say that, with the odd camera angles combined with heavy editing and plentiful background music to accompany it, the movie seemed like something a person might see at an avant-garde film festival. Yet as artistic as it might have been, I still had great difficulty ignoring the basic dialogue, limited acting and the extremely basic plot. So while it may have been risqué for its time I feel somewhat obligated to rate this movie according to its actual merits. Slightly below average.