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Ghost World (2001) Poster


Scarlett Johansson: Rebecca



  • Rebecca : This is so bad it's almost good.

    Enid : This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.

  • Weird Al : Hi. My name is Allen, and I'll be your waiter this afternoon.

    Enid : Hi, Al.

    Rebecca : Can we call you 'Weird Al'?

    Weird Al : I'd imagine so.

  • [Enid and Rebecca try to call on Josh at his apartment. But there's answer at the door] 

    Enid : I bet he's in there jerking off.

    Rebecca : I bet he never jerks off.

    Enid : Yeah, he's beyond human stuff like that.

    Rebecca : Should we leave a note?

    Enid : Yeah, you got a pen?

    [Rebecca pulls out a pen, Enid takes a tag left on Josh's door handle and writes on it, leaning on Rebecca's back] 

    Enid : [writing]  Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore you are gay. Signed Tiffany and Amber.

    [she puts it back on Josh's door handle] 

    Rebecca : You're gonna leave that?

    Enid : Why not?

  • Enid : Sometimes I think I'm going crazy from sexual frustration.

    Rebecca : And you haven't heard of the miracle of masturbation?

  • Rebecca : So, what do you do if you're a Satanist anyway?

    Enid : Sacrifice virgins and stuff.

    Rebecca : Well, that lets us off the hook.

    [they laugh] 

  • Enid : [about Seymour's garage sale]  It was so cute how he had his own little bags. I thought I was going to start crying.

    Rebecca : Yeah, he should totally just kill himself.

    [she looks through the classified ads in a newpaper] 

    Rebecca : Oh, here's one. Oh, but you have to share a non-smoking feminist and her two cats.

    Enid : I don't know... I kinda like him. He's the exact opposite of everything I really hate. In a way, he's such a clueless dork, he's almost kinda cool.

    Rebecca : That guy is many things but he's definetely not cool.

  • Rebecca : [serving a woman a coffee]  Can I get you a bis...

    Rude Coffee Customer : [curtly]  No, I do not want a biscotti with that.

    [she takes her coffee and leaves] 

    Enid : God! How can you stand all these assholes?

    Rebecca : Some people are OK, but mostly I just feel like poisoning everybody.

    Enid : Well, at the least the wheelchair guy is entertaining.

    Rebecca : He doesn't even need that wheelchair, he's just totally lazy.

    Enid : That rules!

    Rebecca : No, it really doesn't. You'll see, you get totally sick of all the creeps and losers and weirdos.

    Enid : But those are our people.

    Rebecca : [shrugs]  Yeah, well...

    [Enid looks at her, slightly disheartened] 

  • Rebecca : [about the rap song playing in the 50s diner]  So, who could forget this great hit from the fifties, huh?

    Enid : I feel as though I've stepped into a time warp.

  • [At the graduation ball, Enid watches a loner classmate eating a slice of cake by himself] 

    Enid : God, just think, we'll never see Dennis again.

    Rebecca : [shrugs]  Good.

    Enid : No, really think about that. It's actually totally depressing.

  • [In a cafe, a shy young man has just given them a flyer, telling him that his band is playing there on Friday night] 

    Enid : God, what a dork.

    Rebecca : You're just jealous.

    Enid : Trust me, at this point I'm past the fact that every single guy likes you better than me.

    Rebecca : Oh, face it, you just hate every single guy on the face of the earth.

    Enid : That's not true. I just hate all these extroverted, obnoxious, pseudo-bohemian losers.

  • [repeated line] 

    Enid , Rebecca : Oh, we totally have to.

  • Rebecca : Oh look, there he is.

    Enid : As always.

    Rebecca : Waiting for the bus that never comes.

    Enid : I wonder if he's just totally insane, or he really thinks the bus is coming?

    Rebecca : Why don't you just ask him?

    Enid : Hi. What's your name?

    Norman : Norman.

    Enid : Are you waiting for a bus?

    Norman : Yes.

    Enid : I hate to tell you this, but they canceled this bus line two years ago. There are no more buses on this street.

    Norman : You don't know what you're talking about.

  • [as they leave the diner they see Seymour in his car getting cut up at an intersection by a big, jacked-up SUV. He screeches to a halt and shouts furiously] 

    Enid : Oh my god. It's him! He's insane.

    Rebecca : We should follow him home.

  • Angry Garage Sale Woman : How much for this dress?

    Rebecca : God, I can't believe you're selling that.

    Enid : That's $500.

    Angry Garage Sale Woman : What?

    Enid : 500.

    Angry Garage Sale Woman : You're crazy. It should be like $2.

    Enid : I was wearing that when I lost my virginity.

    Angry Garage Sale Woman : Well, why do I care about that?

    Enid : Well, why do you want it? I mean, it would look stupid on you anyway.

    Angry Garage Sale Woman : God! Fuck you!

    [she tosses the dress back over the rack and walks off] 

    Rebecca : So now are you going to get a regular job?

  • Rebecca : [making fun of Melorra]  "Funky!"

    Enid : What, is she black now?

  • Josh : So where's the Weird Al guy?

    Enid : Oh, there he is back there. I can see his hair bobbing up and down.

    Rebecca : I want to make love to him.

    Enid : I'm going to tell him you said that.

  • Enid : [coming out of their high school graduation ceremony]  God, what a bunch of retards.

    Rebecca : God, I know, I thought Chipmunk-face was never going to shut up.

    Enid : I know, I liked her so much better when she was an alcoholic crack addict. She gets in one car wreck and all of a sudden she's Little Miss Perfect and everyone loves her.

  • Rebecca : Oh! It's that comedian I was telling you about.

    [she turns up the volume on her television, which is showing an odd-looking man performing stand-up comedy] 

    Rebecca : See this bit, it's the absolute worst.

    Joey McCobb, the Stand Up Comic : [on the TV]  Just because I still live with my mother people think I'm peculiar. So what if she's been dead for 15 years?

    Rebecca : See? It's barely even a joke.

    Joey McCobb, the Stand Up Comic : Well, it's like I always say, take my life... please!

    [he bows and his audience applauds] 

    TV Announcer : Joey McCobb, the weee-irdest man in showbusiness!

    Enid : If he's so weird, how comes he's wearing Nikes?

    [she switches the TV off] 

    Enid : Joey McCobb is our God.

    Rebecca : I wanna do him.

    Enid : I bet. Actually, he kind of reminds me of that one guy you went out with, Larry. God, what look was he going for, a gay tennis player from the '40s?

    Rebecca : Fuck you.

    Enid : You dated him.

  • Rebecca : See that guy over there?

    Enid : Which one?

    Rebecca : The blonde guy over there.

    [Enid spots him and rolls her eyes] 

    Rebecca : He gives me, like, a total boner.

    Enid : He's, like, the biggest idiot of all time.

    Reggae Fan : [walking past with his friends]  You guys up for some reggae tonight?

    [Enid lifts her hand, as if to say "See what I mean?"] 

    Rebecca : OK, you're right.

  • John Ellis : [noticing Enid's green hair and leather jacket]  Oh my God, didn't they tell you?

    Enid : Tell me what?

    John Ellis : Punk rock is over.

    Enid : I know it's over, asshole, I'm not even...

    John Ellis : You really want to fuck up the system? Go to business school. That's what I'm going to do. Get a job in some big corporation and, like, fuck things up from the inside.

    Enid : You know, I'm not even trying...

    John Ellis : Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Hey, do you have my money?

    [she pulls a dollar bill out of her pocket, scrunches it up and throws it at him. It bounces off his face] 

    John Ellis : Oh! Oh, how punk!

    Enid : You know, that tape sucked by the way.

    John Ellis : Oh, I'm so sorry if it offended Jew.

    Enid : Go die, asshole!

    John Ellis : Get a job.

    Enid : God! Fuck you!

    Rebecca : Can we go now?

    Enid : You know, it's not like I'm some modern punk, dickhead! It's obviously a 1977 original punk rock look, but I guess Johnny Fuckface over there is too stupid to realize it!

    Rebecca : I didn't really get it either.

    Enid : Everyone's too stupid!

  • Enid : [Enid is reading a note clipped to her diploma]  What?

    Rebecca : What?

    Enid : These assholes are saying I have to go to summer school and take some stupid art class.

    Rebecca : Why?

    Enid : God, I didn't think that just because you get an "F" you have to take the whole class over again.

    Rebecca : [snickering]  Loser.

  • Rebecca : I remember this hat. This is from your little old lady phase!

  • [Enid is chatting to Rebecca who is working behind the counter at a coffee shop. An eccentrically dressed man in a motorized wheelchair comes up] 

    Feldman, the Wheel Chair Guy : Excuse me... I can't read the trivia question.

    Enid : [reading out the daily trivia question on the blackboard she's been standing in front of]  Where in the human body is the Douglas Pouch located?

    Feldman, the Wheel Chair Guy : Hah!

    [he starts using his laptop to find out the answer] 

    Rebecca : [sighing]  Oh, God.

    [she starts making his free cup of coffee for getting the correct answer] 

    Feldman, the Wheel Chair Guy : Slightly below the uterus. On a female.

    [Rebecca hands him his coffee. He reverses his wheelchair and manouevers away] 

    Enid : [giggles]  Wow.

    Rebecca : He does that every single day.

  • [At the graduation ball] 

    Todd : Hey, Rebecca.

    Rebecca : Oh, hi.

    Todd : So, we finally...

    Enid : What about me? Am I not even here?

    Todd : Hey, Enid.

    [he turns back to Rebecca] 

    Todd : So, we finally made it, huh?

    Rebecca : Yeah.

    Todd : So, uh, where are you going to go to college?

    Enid : We're not.

    Todd : Really? Both of you? Why not?

    Enid : Just because.

    Rebecca : Yeah, we've made other plans.

    Todd : I guess I should have figured that you two would do something different.

    Enid : So, Todd, what are you going to be when you grew up?

    Todd : Well, I'm majoring in Business Administration and thinking of minoring in Communications.

    Enid : See, that's exactly the type of thing we're trying to avoid.

    [she pulls Rebecca away] 

  • Gerrold, the Pushy Guy - Record Collector : There's a seat right there. Hey, mind if I sit down?

    Rebecca : Yes.

    Gerrold, the Pushy Guy - Record Collector : Oh, man, that was cold. Nah, you're all right. You're pretty sharp. Hey, you're wearing a green dress. What are you, Irish? I bet you're Irish. What's your name?

    Rebecca : Melorra.

    Gerrold, the Pushy Guy - Record Collector : Ah, Melorra. So, uh - so, listen to me, Melorra. You know, uh, let me tell you something. You seem like an interesting chick, you know. What are you doing hanging here with all these losers? You know? I mean - what do you say you and me go, uh, hit some night spots?

  • Rebecca : You cunt.

  • Enid : Look at this. Is Stacy Himmler going out with Rod Harbaugh?

    Rebecca : Oh God, how perfect.

    Enid : He'd better watch out or he'll get AIDS when he date-rapes her.

  • Enid : This is really creepy.

    Rebecca : We need to find out what apartment he's in and we'll stalk him from a distance.

  • Enid : [looking at a photo of her younger self]  Oh, look at how cute I am.

    Rebecca : What a little hose bag.

  • Rebecca : What happened to Seymour?

    Enid : I can't believe this. He actually scored.

    Rebecca : God, how repulsive.

  • Rebecca : What's wrong with you, retard? It's 3:30.

  • Rebecca : I'm afraid if I see him, I'll start feeling really bad again.

  • Rebecca : [looking at taxidermy]  It looks like a gross rat.

    Joe : That's a mongoose.

    Enid : How much is it?

    Joe : Umm... that's not officially for sale. I uh, might have to hold onto that for the time being.

  • [Enid takes Rebecca to a "party" at Seymour's place, which is really just a gathering of nerdy record collectors] 

    Jerome, the Angry Guy - Record Collector : Some records I will pay serious money for, provided they're a sincere V-plus. Other than that, I just prefer to have them on CD.

    Steven, the Asian Guy - Record Collector : But CDs will never have the presence of an original 78.

    Jerome, the Angry Guy - Record Collector : Wrong! A digital transfer adequately mastered will sound identical to the original. Do you have a decent equalizer?

    Steven, the Asian Guy - Record Collector : I have a Klipsch 2B3.

    Jerome, the Angry Guy - Record Collector : [talking with his mouth full]  Well, obviously the problem! You expect a 10 band equalizer to impart state-of-the-art sound? Dream a little dream, it's never gonna happen!

    Rebecca : [to Enid]  I totally, totally hate you.

    Enid : Oh, come on. This is a - fun party.

  • Rebecca : God, I'm so sick of Seymour.

See also

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