90 of 218 found this moderate
Several girls explain to a boy that they are not "groupies" because they do not have intercourse, "just blowjobs"
At least one woman is seen several times in semi-transparent attire, through which her nipples can be seen.
Multiple conversation about having sex with various people.
Several implied instances of sex, but nothing is shown. These include a man unzipping his pants, two teens in bed the next day, a woman dancing around a man sexually. There is no actual sex scene, but some are implied.
It is implied that a 15 year old has sex with three women at the same time.
A woman's bare breasts are briefly seen for two seconds as she wears an open shirt without a bra.
An underage groupie has a sexual relationship with an adult man throughout the course of the film.
Multiple sexual references, with none of them being too explicit.
60 of 100 found this mild
Two men get into a fistfight. Goes on for a few minutes.
Some pushing and shoving maybe but nothing much if anything.
64 of 107 found this moderate
"Fuck" is said regularly throughout the film, some moreso in bursts and arguments. There are some more uses in the extended cut.
Obscene hand gesture.
66 of 96 found this moderate
Drinking is shown throughout, with several instances where people are drunk.
A man drinks a cup of LSD-infused beer. He is shown high afterwards for a bit and jumps into a pool from a rooftop.
Smoking is shown a few times. Pot is also referenced a few times. A boy aids a girl who has overdosed on Quaaludes.
53 of 89 found this mild
There is an intense scene where a plane threatens to crash.