12 of 28 found this mild
Most women in the "Attitude Era" wore very little clothing. No actual nudity.
Edge and lita have a live sex celebration.
9 of 22 found this moderate
Wrestling moves and the like. Some blood is shown. Not as much as when they were in the 'Attitude Era'.
11 of 20 found this mild
A few censored f bombs during the more live three hour fights.
Shit sometimes makes it past the censors. Fuck and shit can be heard by the crowd but WWE censors it after a few seconds.
Two uses of the N word uncensored, once by Booker T (accidentally) when calling out Hulk Hogan. And once by Vince McMahon (intentionally) when addressing John Cena (in front of Booker T)
the show has had fair share of language used, but it depended during the eras the WWE has had. During the 'Attitude Era'' and "Ruthless Aggression" days words like "ass", "bastard", 'suck it", "sex", "bitch", "son of a bitch", "hooker", "nuts", "douche-bag", "shit", "bullshit", and "goddamn" are used. After the WWE switched to the TV-PG rating the language has been toned down drastically, with only "Damn" and "Hell" used frequently and words like "Ass", "Bastard", "Bitch" used occasionally (mainly bleeped out).
12 of 17 found this mild
During the "Attitude Era" from 1998 to 2001, there were many episodes where characters drink beer, even one where the ring was soaked by a beer hose.
4 of 17 found this moderate
Scarier characters like Undertaker and Kane may frighten younger viewers during the 90s.
More recently, characters like Brock Lesnar, Bray Wyatt and his "Wyatt Family" may trigger the same response.