Looking for Oscar
Looking for Oscar chronicles one man's search to find the baseball of his youth, as represented by player Oscar Gamble, AKA "The Greatest Afro of All-Time." Interviews with sports authority ... Read allLooking for Oscar chronicles one man's search to find the baseball of his youth, as represented by player Oscar Gamble, AKA "The Greatest Afro of All-Time." Interviews with sports authority and super-fan Bob Costas, "Bull Durham" director Ron Shelton and some of the game's more c... Read allLooking for Oscar chronicles one man's search to find the baseball of his youth, as represented by player Oscar Gamble, AKA "The Greatest Afro of All-Time." Interviews with sports authority and super-fan Bob Costas, "Bull Durham" director Ron Shelton and some of the game's more colorful characters like Bill "Spaceman" Lee, Al "The Mad Hungarian" Hrabosky and Hall of F... Read all