This compilation of nearly 100 film clips from, roughly, 1896 to 1976 is divided into five thematic sections: Land, Cities, Families, Wars, Spirit. Like most compilations it can feel superficial, and it has two additional problems: a) not naming the films except en masse at the start of each section (in other words, if you really like a clip and you would like to see the whole movie it belongs to but aren't already familiar with it - it happened to me with "Claudine" (1974), for example - you'll have to go back at the start of each section and almost guess the correct title), and b) none of the clips have been remastered, and most look washed-out, a few even terrible. Even with these limitations, "America At The Movies" still has some powerful, amusing, exciting film moments, and may even lead you to some new discoveries - though you'll have to put in some work to find out which movies they actually are! Charlton Heston's sparse commentary is mostly on-point. **1/2 out of 4.