Being the third in the Metroid series, "Super Metroid" takes everything that was ever great from the first two "Metroid" and "Metroid II: The Return of Samus" and makes everything better. The game plays the same as the previous two (side scroller) with Samus Aran returning the Metroid Home World to eliminate her past enemies. Again Samus has to locate various weapons such as the ice beam, missiles, bombs, high jump boots, energy tanks along with new weapons; super missiles and bombs, grappling beam and x-ray scanner. Super Metroid uses some of the same maps from the original Metroid which are now deserted and has an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. Accompanying the beautiful graphics is a great soundtrack reminiscent of the music from the series. I'd like to add more to this attempt at a review, but I fear that I might give too much away for those who have yet to play this game.