The Trigun anime series is a magnificent addition to anime of today. It starts off with about twelve or so episodes with the average hero-saves-the-day motive, but there is always a big mystery left behind for our hero, Vash: Who in the world IS he!?
About halfway through the series, Vash is caught up in the midst of his brother, Knives, who wants nothing better than to see Vash suffer. Vash has one weakness, and a pretty serious one at that: He cannot kill ANYBODY or else he'll risk total, mental damnation. So, what's one thing that Knives does? He sends out about a dozen totally unique fighters dubbed the "Gung Ho Guns", whose job is to drive Vash to kill them.
This series does a great job at bringing in well-made characters and has its share of comical humor along the way. All that I can add is that when the final episode came to an end, one word kept circling through my head: Wow. Plus, it's fun choosing which of the "Gung Ho Guns" is your favorite. Personal choice of mine: Caine the Longshot.