9 of 32 found this moderate
There are a couple of brief sex scenes but no nudity is shown during them.
A few scenes of a man and woman lying together nude, but any nudity is very brief.
A man and woman are shown sun bathing nude and you can see her breasts and his butt.
Several scenes of women in skimpy bathing suits. In one shot you briefly see a woman topless.
3 of 7 found this moderate
In the beginning of the film, right after they get stranded, Peppe makes the woman be his slave by being verbally, mentally, and physically abusive. Although this is done by Pepe in a tongue in cheek manner to prove a point, this is more of a role reversal situation than reality. He is teaching her a lesson about how she treats others. This lesson in no way excuses his actions.
On one extended scene, the woman and man fight. She hits him and kicks him and he trips and grabs her. Towards the end of the scene, he catches her, pulls off her pants, and is on top of her as if he is going to force himself on her.
5 of 9 found this severe
Aprox. 30+ F-words, "bitch" and other slightly milder words such as "tits" and whore" are used throughout.
5 of 5 found this moderate
There is a lot of alcohol consumption in the beginning scenes.
A main character is drunk and tries to have sex with someone else.
There is one reference to smoking pot.
6 of 10 found this to have none
The storm is a very intense moment.