- Wolverine: Got six reasons for you to walk away!
- Havok: Cyclops isn't the only Summers kid with power!
- Professor Charles Xavier: So an arrangement was made. The exact details were unclear, but one thing was for certain: none of this would fare well for those of us bearing an X. But if there is one thing the X-men can be counted upon to handle, it is adversity.
- Professor Charles Xavier: As precarious as our situation was, I realized there was one thing that could make it worse: Magneto. After the downfall of his former kingdom of Genosha, Magneto had retreated from the world. With all that faced the X-Men already, I counted us fortunate that my one-time friend had not been drawn into the conflict.
- Bastion: Forge. Mutant with the ability to create any technological device his mind can conceive of... We're going to create wonderful things together, you and I...
- Bastion: The irony is exquisite, isn't it? Your mutant gifts will be used to bring your kind to its knees. This is your true destiny: the harbinger of mutant extinction.
- Bastion: Ah, Homo Sapiens Superior. Come to take your - what is it again? Ah, yes, "your rightful place as the next step in human evolution". Your ascension would mean the death of humanity, and that is something I will not allow.
- Professor Charles Xavier: Such was the severity of the situation, that no one noticed that Wolverine's wounds from the previous battle had not yet healed. And such is the calibre of the man known as Wolverine, that he pressed on, saying nothing at all to the others.
- Professor Charles Xavier: A hasty council of war was held consisting of some of the most powerful mutants alive. Their mutual goal: end this new threat before it ends them. Nothing short of the fate of mutantkind hung in the balance.
- Professor Charles Xavier: Excellent, team. You are definitely improving in your group maneuvers. Communication, improvisation, anticipation and trust. Well done, X-Men. Storm, Wolverine, Phoenix, Rogue. You are all just in time. For this next exercise, we will break you up into pairs. The idea of this exercise is to combat an opponent that places you at somewhat of a disadvantage. To claim victory, you have to improvise, adapt and eventually overcome.
- Professor Charles Xavier: Mutants; the Children of the Atom. Men and women granted power beyond measure. Mankind not understanding these gifts of evolution have chosen to meet them with persecution and death. There are those mutants that agree with the humans that this world is too small for both species and that one shall by necessity forever stricken from the face of the Earth. I believe in an alternative. A world wherein man and mutant coexist in peace. They're providing a much needed balance to an all too fragile world. To that end, I have assembled those men and women willing to fight for that peace. To defend the world that fear is optional. To that end, I, Professor Charles Xavier, have assembled the X-Men.
- Professor Charles Xavier: We believe the first step began with the retrieval of the Bastion unit. The prime unit Sentinels that were behind the events known as Zero Tolerance were adrift after the defeat of their leader Bastion. The prime Sentinel's ability to morph into normal looking men and women allowed them to infiltrate the facility that Bastion was being held in and retrieved him. If the Bastion unit retrieved, it wasn't long before the prime Sentinels returned to their primary function; a systematic eradication of all mutant life on Earth. Prior defeat at the hands of the X-Men no doubt dictated a radically different strategy from those employed in Zero Tolerance. Thus, very unusual alliances were formed.