- Magneto: Ahhh, Logan... we meet again. And in a place where steel flows in rivers, and lightning converges with gravity!
- Wolverine: [Signals Hines and Cornelius to leave] Go.
- [Holds the Professor, preventing him from leaving]
- Wolverine: Not You.
- The Professor: You think you've won, don't you? Well you haven't! You're a dead man.
- Wolverine: [Draws his claws towards the Professor's face] Can a dead man kill?
- The Professor: Only a fool designs a weapon without a fail-safe. All Weapon X subjects were implanted with a dormant killer virus, the Sheeva Strain, 100% Lethal.
- Wolverine: How long?
- The Professor: For a normal Human, One year. But, with a mutant healing factor, who knows?
- [last lines]
- Mr. Sinister: [about Wolverine] Are you sure this is the one you want? He seems rather uncontrollable.
- Apocalypse: Yes, he is the one I need. A pure survivor. Begin making preparations for my newest horseman.
- Lady Deathstrike: My death... is not the death you will know Logan. I have forsaken my humanity for revenge... and know no death, only an eternity of cold replacement parts. You have won Logan... FOR NOW!
- Wolverine: Hines and Cornelius. You know who I am?
- Carol Hines: You're weapon X. We know why you're here.
- Dr. Abraham Cornelius: We always had doubts about weapon X's work...
- Wolverine: Doubts? You're all heart.
- Wolverine: [Entering Weapon X] Ey, Chuck. I'm in.
- Professor Charles Xavier: Excellent news.
- Wolverine: Yeah, but hold on the fireworks. Security here is tighter then one of Jean's costumes.
- Bush Pilot: You know, there are not a lot of airlines that will let the passengers sit up front Mr. Logan.
- Wolverine: I don't see much choice darling, the cargo bay being full o' beer and this being the only seat.