Honestly, I thought show as 'boring' even before I watched a single episode. Seriously, what interesting could happen in an office environment? I remember first scene I saw from this show. It was from an internet wallpaper with Michael Scott with a white board behind him saying "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take".
Then after years from that, I somehow started watching "The Office", I don't really remember why I did that. What I love most about this show is it's raw nature. The camera is kind of shaky yet still brings the best scenes...something that I had never seen before in a TV sitcom. It may seem less professional but adds real life, personal touch with the TV show and the characters in them.
Obviously, Michael Scott is one of my favourite character. Jim, Andy, Dwight, Pam, Erin, Kevin, Oscar, Angela, Creed and even the camera crew include in my favourite list.
What I learned from this show is that it's okay to be weird and different ,that you won't be welcomed as you wanted it to be ( remembering Michael Scott attempts ), that you can't wait and expect things to happen for you, that it's okay to be hated and feel hate to others....it's all dependent on time. People change, feelings change, situations change. All you got to do is be yourself and be true to your heart and everything will fall into it's place.
I love every minute I spent on this show <3