"Pet Alien" is a show about a 12 year old boy called Tommy Cadle who lives with five aliens in a lighthouse. The series takes place in the fictional town of DeSpray Bay where it follows Tomm... Read all"Pet Alien" is a show about a 12 year old boy called Tommy Cadle who lives with five aliens in a lighthouse. The series takes place in the fictional town of DeSpray Bay where it follows Tommy's hectic life with five aliens from the planet Conforma who once crash-landed in his lig... Read all"Pet Alien" is a show about a 12 year old boy called Tommy Cadle who lives with five aliens in a lighthouse. The series takes place in the fictional town of DeSpray Bay where it follows Tommy's hectic life with five aliens from the planet Conforma who once crash-landed in his lighthouse and have stayed there ever since. Unlike most animated aliens living on Earth, the... Read all