In the diner scene where Brüno commits "carbicide" the exterior light goes from night to day then back to night.
In the salon when Brüno is getting his anus bleached, his hairstyle changes as the camera shots change.
When Brüno is at the swingers party and with the Blonde; his Underpants change between black and white stripes to a black posing pouch and back again twice before he jumps out of the window.
Although all shots are supposed to be real, sometimes the camera and crew are already in a room or building when Brüno enters. So this concludes that some shots were entirely staged.
In the part where Brüno and Lutz are fighting outside of the police station, after Brüno says no to Lutz, there's a gold Ford Mustang in the top left hand corner of the frame, however, after it switches to the wide angle view of Lutz walking away from Brüno, the same Ford Mustang drives through the entrance of the police station and is clearly not in the same spot as it was only a few seconds before.
In the scene of pouring champagne from a bottle sticking out of Diesel's anus, we can clearly see that bottle is a cut decoration attached to actor's buttocks (it sways slightly revealing its carved edges).
The character Brüno is a gentile from Austria, yet in his nude commercial he is circumcised. However this could have been for medical reasons.
While doing an audition in an office the hat on the door behind Bruno keeps changing position.
When Brüno takes OJ out of the box at the airport, the subtitle says "That is 13 pounds of black gold." He says "Das ist vierzehn Pfund schwarzes Gold." "Vierzehn" means 14, not 13 ("dreizehn").
When Bruno is jumping out the window at the swingers party, a crew members arm is seen in the reflection of the window, pushing open the window.
The airport where Brüno departs to Los Angeles is not Vienna, but Berlin Tegel (TXL/EDDT).
The fountain at the beginning of the film is not in Vienna, Austria, but in the Invalidenpark in Berlin, Germany.
When Straight Dave enters the venue to promote his fight, a lot of spectators are wearing his T-shirt or T-shirts with his motto. The story in the movie never explains this. It leaves the viewer to speculate that Straight Dave must have done fights before and made him some fans. Otherwise there would be no logical explanation as to why they would wear Straight Dave T-shirts.
As it is 10 months later and the fans are well aware of Straight Dave and cheering for him, it's only logical to assume that he must have had previous fights.
As it is 10 months later and the fans are well aware of Straight Dave and cheering for him, it's only logical to assume that he must have had previous fights.
The movie's premise is that this is all real footage made by Brüno's news crew. Who, then, is filming the scenes where Brüno is alone and homeless on the streets?
Although Brüno appears as a native Austrian, most of his german words are gibberish and pure nonsense. For instance in the very beginning of the movie he asks a designer to show "one Kugelsack". Kugelsack is a word that does not exist in the german language and therefore makes no sense. The german word he was supposed to use was "Hoden" which is an entirely different word. This mix of german words and made-up gibberish words continue throughout the movie.