Bonfire night is fast approaching, and Miss Farnaby decides to continue the tradition of having a bonfire at The Manor. Mulberry learns that Miss Farnaby and co despite bonfire night, he's keen to learn why they continue with it.
It is a grand second episode, after a very strong debut, it continues and even manages to improve, it's funny and incredibly moving, it setting show that a leopard can change its spots.
Mulberry is determined to show Miss Farnaby that life is good, it's very much small steps, but he finally gets her to smile, it's a big win. She is definitely mellowing, and softening around the edges. McEwan is tremendous, she's such a fine actress.
We finally get an Idea of the purpose of John Bennett's stranger. Such an unusual role for Bennett, I can't think of any times when he did comedy.
I can't wait to meet both Adele and Elizabeth, they sound wonderfully interesting.