The film is dedicated to both Bernie Mac and Jett Travolta, John Travolta and Kelly Preston's eldest son who died unexpectedly earlier in 2009.
The film's release date was postponed three times. First, due to Bernie Mac's untimely death. The second time was for the death of John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son, Jett Travolta. The final time was because Robin Williams had a health scare that required surgery. All of the postponement ultimately caused the movie to be released more than a year after the original, intended release date, finally releasing on November 25, 2009.
The film was originally 107 minutes long, adult-oriented, with an R-rating, being distributed through Disney's company Touchstone Pictures. After the test screening went poorly, Disney decided to distribute the film through Walt Disney Pictures and aim it toward children, cutting the film by 19 minutes and removing all adult jokes so that it would be more acceptable for children.