Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla's 10th movie together. It also remains the last time they worked together, as of 2017.
The maker's left an open ending by saying "to be continued..." indicating a sequel to the movie
After writing the movie concept Director 'Vivek Sharma' contacted his close friend Juhi Chawla who was excited with the idea and approved of being part of the movie.
'Vivek Sharma' approached Shah Rukh Khan initially who was keen on producing the film too, when the director informed him that BR Chopra will be producing it Shah Rukh Khan gladly signed on to be part of the script due to his association with Vivek Sharma.
Interestingly, B.R. Chopra wanted to make a film called Ek Aur Masiha with Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Juhi Chawla in the late '90s but the film was never made. However, the whole cast eventually signed for this film.