The movie itself is a compilation of interviews of well known rock climbers, mountaineers, ice climbers and paraclimbers. A big chunk of the footage is reused from previous reel rock scenes and the movie tries to assign what risk is in climbing and in the life of the athletes.
It falls short on focusing on... something, the storyline follows too many perspectives and you loose focus on the movie itself.
Of course the trailer and the poster is misleading, making you think of great movies such as "king lines" with Chris Sharma.... but "fine lines"is anything but that.
The soundtrack is too "dreamy", there is very little action, and the action showed is presented in short unintelligible sequences...followed by some static scenes, losing its flow of action.
All in all it is not a typical climbing movie, it is more of a mash up that tries to give climbing this aura of a demigod activity for "very whole" people.
I, personally think that this movie is for a certain type of climber or for some people that start climbing and they are charmed by the "holiness" of it.