14 of 42 found this mild
S1 E1 Young woman assumes to be naked but under sheet covering her partially.
S1 E3 The main special agent Myka repeatedly has her clothed breasts squeezed and groped by a man acting under the influence of an artifact.
S1 E4 A character mentions that Myka still has "monkey phlegm" in her hair after an offscreen adventure, to which she replies "That's not phlegm" and makes a disgusted face, implying it was their semen in her hair.
6 of 10 found this mild
Very frequent gun violence, both with realistic weapons - though those are brandished more than fired - and with scifi weapons that nonetheless cause at least momentary trauma, unconsciousness, etc.
Hand-to-hand combat, some shootings. People die violently in many episodes by both mundane and supernatural means. Scenes with blood are usually short. Some deaths are disturbing, for example, by desiccation (drying out like a mummy).
12 of 18 found this mild
9 of 11 found this mild
4 of 8 found this mild
Some of the artifacts cause creepy things to happen, which might frighten people. There is an episode where people get sick and become mindless zombie-like things.
The show, in general, is quite tame, not very violent, and not too intense except when characters are in danger of being permanently trapped somewhere. There is frequently a race against time to prevent horrible things from happening. In one instance the Earth was a few seconds away from being destroyed.