Kajal Aggarwal was to play the female lead in the film, but her role was cut out during filming, leaving Pooja Hegde's separate character as the female lead. Originally Trisha Krishnan was cast in the role Aggarwal was to play. Writer/Director Koratala Siva explained his decision to cut the role as he felt the character wasn't developed enough and thus not worthy of someone of Aggarwal's stature.
An individual by the name of Rajesh Manduri claimed that the story was plagiarized from a pitch he made to Mythri Movie Makers, the production company behind two of writer/director Koratala Siva's previous films. The company strongly denied the allegation.
The film's release date was pushed back numerous times, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to avoid clashing with Ram Charan's other film RRR (2022). It was initially scheduled to released on 13 May 2021, however since production was not completed by that point due to shutdowns, it was delayed to 4 February 2022 and later 1 April 2022 before settling on its actual 29 April 2022 date.
Ram Charan was always supposed to play Siddha, but at one point it looked like he would be too busy filming RRR (2022) and Mahesh Babu was cast instead. However Babu later dropped out and Charan was able to fit the film in his schedule. Babu did stay on to provide the film's voiceover narration.
Filming was interrupted twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, first in March 2020, after over two months of filming, resuming in November, and once more in April 2021, resuming in July.