Litany for Mister President is a short film that possesses a unique voice. You would think it might after reading the logline about a man going unhinged after his beloved cat -- Mr. President -- has been taken from him. Now this film doesn't go in the direction of a John Wick, rather it delves more into grief and some dark comedy, though there is some violence too. What director Christopher Meyers and his team have created here is an original combination of some twisted genres and tones to make for what I consider to be a very creative short film. More and more I appreciate originality in filmmaking since so many films seem to just be some regurgitated version of some other mediocre film we've all seen before, which is why I appreciate unique films like this. Actors Dominic Best and John Durbin also deserve some recognition for their quality performances here as well. I understand Litany for Mr. President has recently won several awards at festivals including for Best Short Film, Director, Actor, and Supporting Actor, all of which it is quite worthy. If you have the ability to see this film in a festival near you or perhaps down the road on whichever streaming platforms it ultimately becomes available on, I would highly recommend checking it out.