David Blue was not just a casual "Stargate" fan. He had watched every episode of Stargate SG-1 (1997) and Stargate: Atlantis (2004) before pre-production on this show even began. He says that being part of 'Universe' "brings pride in being a part of it but also immense responsibility in every scene." Brad Wright joked to a audience at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con "With David we got not only an actor, but a technical adviser for our own show!"
Sergeant Greer's Uniform and collar insignia mark him as a Marine Master Sergeant. This would make him an E-8 and a very senior and experienced enlisted man.
When asked how she responds to comments that she was only cast because of the size of her chest, Julia Benson said, "I really don't pay much attention to criticism like that. I am an actor who happens to have a large chest. Period. So, I think people can think and say whatever they want. I can only control what I think. I know why I was cast, and that's all that matters!"
Jamil Walker Smith and Elyse Levesque were both featured guests at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con for the panel on the premiere of "Stargate Universe." When they went to the "Stargate" booth they were approached by the zealous employee working it who asked them if they'd like to enter a drawing to win a walk-on role in the show.
Icarus attempted to escape from Crete by flying using wings made of feathers and wax but flew too close to the sun, the wax melted and he fell into the sea. This tale is allegorical and warns against hubris. The project to unlock the Stargate's ninth and final chevron was called Project Icarus which is appropriate given the fate of those who subsequently entered the Stargate. Icarus is also the son of Daedalus, which is the name of one of Earth's starships.