Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Tohoru Masamune: Shredder
Shredder : [in Japanese] Tonight I dine on turtle soup!
[Raph discovers his brothers are in cages, with one cage empty]
Shredder : Raphael, glad you could join us. The fourth cage is for you!
Shredder : I do not believe in fairy tales.
Shredder : [is blocked by Splinter's sword] Very good, rat.
Shredder : [beats Raphael] The rat did not teach you well!
April O'Neil : SHREDDER!
[stabs the Shredder with one of Raphael's sais]
Shredder : You stupid little girl...
Shredder : Why are you here?
Shredder : [beats the Turtles] Enough! The lesson is over.