The game is a posthumous release for actors Tony Todd and Kamar de los Reyes. Todd died on November 6, 2024, with de los Reyes passing away on December 24, 2023. Additionally, the game would serve as the final credit of Marcel Mann, who would die a month following the game's release.
The story is set in 1937, placing it in between the events of the first film Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) (set in 1936), and the third film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) (set in 1938). With the second film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) taking place prior to all (set in 1935).
Troy Baker's voice for Indiana Jones was so accurate that even producer Axel Torvenius couldn't tell the difference between Baker's and Harrison Ford's lines when compared side-by-side.
At The Game Awards 2024, original Indiana Jones actor Harrison Ford made a surprise appearance onstage with Troy Baker, quipping, "If I'd've known how good he was... I would've done it myself."
All the guns featured in the game are real, time-period appropriate ones that were used by the German and Italian military (save for one) before and during World War II. Indiana continues to use his Smith & Wesson M1917 revolver, it was issued to members of the United States military from 1917-1919 to supplement the M1911 .45 Auto, Indy's revolver being the one he was issued in the Army during World War I; they were not chambered for standard revolver cartridges, like the .38 Special, but instead for the .45 Auto (to be compatible with ammo for the 1911) and were issued to low ranking enlisted and rear echelon units. Also shown in the game is the Beretta M1934, chambered in .380 Auto, this was one of the pistols issued to the Royal Italian Army and the Blackshirts and was in production from 1934-1991. The Luger P-08, 9x19mm Parabellum, was the standard issue side-arm of the armed forces of Nazi Germany (Wehrmacht), and was in production from 1900-1953. The first rifle Indy comes across is the Carcano M91/24 chambered in 6.5x52mm Carcano, it was used by the Italian armed forces from 1891-1981, even though production ceased in 1945; it was a very high quality rifle and is notable for being the rifle used by Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate United States President John F. Kennedy. Next Indy comes across the Haenel MP-18/28, a submachine gun chambered in 9x19mm produced and used by Germany from 1918-1945; making this a period accurate SMG unlike the MP-40 shown in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) which wasn't made until 1940. Next is the Karabiner 98k chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser, a development in the long line of Mauser rifles dating back to 1870 (which many modern bolt-action rifles are based off) the 98k was produced from 1934-1945 but continues to be used even in 2025, including in the Ukraine/Russia War. The next gun Indy comes across is the only one not accurate for the location, which is the Winchester Model 1897 12 gauge pump-action shotgun manufactured between 1897-1957. It was used by the United States Army and Marine Corps during both World Wars with the "Trench Gun" modifications that included a shorter shrouded barrel and a bayonet attachment. This shotgun was only used by the United States with none of the European nations using shotguns in either World War, in fact during World War I Germany protested the US using shotguns alleging they "caused unnecessary suffering"; the US response was to give Germany the middle finger by reminding them they were the ones to develop and first use flamethrowers and mustard gas in war which caused far greater unnecessary suffering and firmly rejected their protest. The final gun Indy comes across is the Beretta M1918/30 chambered in 9x19mm, a semi-automatic carbine (short-barrel rifle chambered for a pistol cartridge) used by Italian Armed Forces from 1930-1945.