5 of 9 found this mild
A few instances where some girls will ask guys if they "want to be shown a good time". All the offers were turned down.
You see a silhouette of a man and a woman behind a curtain. The woman says "it's bigger then I expected", and the man replies "don't worry, it won't hurt when I put it in." You find out that they are referring to a needle and the man is giving the woman medication for the rust.
Paw Nekoyanagi wears an outfit that reveals some cleavage.
3 of 6 found this moderate
Violence is somewhat frequent, and sometimes bloody.
2 of 5 found this moderate
4 of 6 found this to have none
The main theme of this show is centered around mushrooms. But they aren't used for drug proposes. In fact everybody hates them because they are thought to cause a disease called rust.
2 of 4 found this moderate
The series is much more intense in the second half.