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Fatal Attraction (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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interesting idea
nicolemariew-7521529 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasnt sure how well it was going to go. After a slow start, it grew on me. I really ended up enjoying until.... The very last episodes. Why make his daughter a crazy stalker too? They very easily could've had a pretty well done series without all the extra of making his daughter be off balance. I suppose it's so they have opening for second season but the whole side story just ruined it for me. I kept hoping they'd tie it in to relate to her fathers case but it was all laid out slipshod. I'm still really annoyed lol. I think yhey should've had the wife be the killer. She'd have most reason and she seems smart enough that she could've gotten away with it, it would've made more sense that the guy helps her get rid of body as opposed to being the actual killer.
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A silly take on a classic with silly twists
julieshotmail29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first compliment I give this TV version of the classic "Fatal Attraction" is that it is spectacularly shot. Secondly, although Joshua Jackson is no Michael Douglas, I have always admired his work, and I find Jackson believable and watchable in this role. The other acting kudos goes to the always fascinating Lizzy Caplan who provides her own delicious rendition of a raving lunatic. Besides the cinematography and lead actors, this series spirals down into silliness with the two twists revealed in the last episode, positioning it for an insane season 2. None of the supporting actors are that memorable either, except maybe Amanda Peet, but she is not good here. I also take issue with the off-topic long chatter that starts almost every scene change - very disorienting making you wonder if you are still following the same show. If you like Joshua Jackson and Lizzy Caplan, give it a watch, otherwise you would just feel that this is a big waste of time.
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It's growing on me.
colinrogers18 May 2023
Lots of angry reviews here, outraged at the attempts by Paramount to re-do the classic 80's thriller of the same name. Some, I believe, haven't actually watched past the first episode, which is quite patchy for thrillers like this, which is unusual. I'm through four episodes that I feel gives a fairly good rounding. There are clever moments, scenes that hark back to the film but it spins out the story here with great skill . The leads are terrific, reminding one how good an actor Joshua Jackson has proved to be. I like the backward flashes and different POV's. It does feel like it should be a mini series though. Hoping Paramount don't try and milk it. Crimes of passion are devastating, the impact on families is insurmountable. Good so far and ironically tantalising as the ensemble untangle the aftermath of ego, temptation guilt and redemption. No rabbit stew yet, but brace yourselves!
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This is not the movie
blueskyy_ng28 May 2023
As the plot summary so eloquently puts it:

It is "a deep-dive reimagining of the classic's thriller, exploring timeless themes of marriage and infidelity through the lens of modern attitudes toward strong women, personality disorders and coercive control".

Keyword here is 're-imagination'. The TV series certainly has a different vibe/demeanor to it.

There's a huge twist in the last episode. Motivations, what drives people to do what they do, conflicts, misunderstandings, baggages, perceptions, perspectives, people's influences on one another, how a person gets molded into who they are, human psychology, it's all at play there.

There's probably a season 2 coming. I would certainly look forward to it.
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Just ok on its own. So miscast.
maydregirl4 May 2023
Don't expect any surprises. It's pretty easy figure out in the first exposure. I did enjoy the 3rd episode retold from Alex point of view. My biggest complaint is Lizzie Caplan. She is just so horribly miscast. They did her no favors in styling her character either. There was no smolder to make me believe he would find her so irresistible that he would abandoned what is portrayed as a perfectly happy home. I don't mind Josh Jackson He's a great actor and he's believable considering the semi bad writing of this newly twisted story. I'm on the fence about finishing it. I probably will but I hope something changes quick.
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Five episodes in and I'm enjoying it.
jazzsp8-94-55570615 May 2023
Surpsingly loving this show so far. I was hesitant at first, "another TV show based on a film" deal - BUT - Happy to report I was very wrong.

Love the angle the show has taken, the dual timeline/perspective of the events adds a good level of intrigue. We all know what's happened, it doesn't pretend to be anything clever that way - But it's how it happens, why it happens and what are the triggers behind it all that keep me watching.

Lots of less posititve reviews here, I'm not sure what other people where expecting - A complete remake of the film? - What would be the point?

No, I'm enjoying a fresh, updated take on the story. I'm a bit wary of them taking the obvious route of *she's not really dead* to eek out more seasons of the show but I shall just, perhaps naively, think better of the writers than that. For now.
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Just skip this disaster and watch the movie!
bmznqsvw1 May 2023
I was really looking forward to this, because as a huge fan of the movie, I really wanted to see more of the characters' back stories, particularly Alex. The 1987 movie was always going to be very hard to beat but it's always worth giving things a go.

This show does not help with that at all. Michael Douglas as Dan Gallagher was likeable because he was human and a real Everyman. Joshua Jackson's Dan is a self centred, arrogant, entitled guy who deserves everything he gets in this.

Glenn Close as Alex Forrest was vibrant, energetic and had a fabulous edge. Lizzy Caplan's Alex is flat, boring and lacks any personality whatsoever.

The show is absolutely boring me to death with its terrible character depictions, dull dialogue and an absolute lack of interesting plot development. They could have done so, so much with this show but it has fallen completely flat.

Do yourselves a favour, skip this and just go right back to the incredible 1987 movie. There's no way to improve on perfection.
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This was a great show! I actually cared about these characters.
jasonohudson30 May 2023
I'm not sure why this show would be getting so much negative press because it was one of the best written shows that I've seen since Bates Motel. I cared about the characters and could feel there struggles from Lizzy Caplan as Alex to Joshua Jackson as Dan and especially seeing the things that Arthur had to endure with his wife made this series emotional. You could sympathize with all these characters in a way that is rare in film/TV today. There is NO political finger pointing or white shaming, race swapping nonsense that has made so much of Hollywood unbearable over the past 5 or so years. This was a great series and I didn't want it to end. Great job crew and cast! Well done.
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Missing the point
guineverescott7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Many of the reviewers are correct in saying that the casting is off. In general I like Joshua Jackson, Lizzy Caplan and Amanda Peet...just not together. Joshua Jackson is dumpy and barely recognizable as Dan Gallagher, Lizzy is very attractive usually but somehow they manage to make her dumpy too and Amanda Peet looks like a warmed over corpse. Understandably this creates zero chemistry. Bland and boring. The different viewpoints are interesting, turns out that Alex us evening nuttier than as played by Glen Close. If they were trying to garner sympathy for the Alex character they are failing. The power dynamic between Dan and Alex is all wrong, they have rewritten it to put Alex in a much weaker position. Trying to make her more sympathetic, albeit unsuccessfully. The best change is the character Mike, the most entertaining person in the whole shebang. This brings us to the worst character, Ellen Gallagher. Seriously, who cares about her POV. Or her therapists. She's barely a prop in the event story so why is so much time wasted on her whining?

Edited to up the rating..if you're still on the fence, just watch it. I just finished the first season and holy pajamas what a ride. Even Ellen becomes relevant when she stops whining, give it a chance. I wish this were a stand alone tbh, it would have fared much better if people had not compared it to the original.
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Fatally Flawed and Fatally Bad
syd99071 May 2023
There is absolutely NOTHING worth watching in this laboriously dreadful series. I finished the first 3 episodes just out of curiosity, and we all know what not only killed the cat, but me along with it and what I found will not bring me back for the rest of the series. The original Fatal Attraction film was a product of its era, so I understand why this series had to reimagine some of the material. However, when material is changed much too much, and it relies on the chemistry between the two lead actors with little to no chemistry, it simply languishes in nothingness without anywhere to go but down. The smaller storylines are rushed, the pacing is way off, and the ancipation of what comes next between Alex and Dan is not there as it was in the original film. You just don't care because whatever comes next is probably just as boring or worse than what happened before. This Fatal Attraction series took all of the erotic thrills out of it being a must watch erotic thriller. The problem I have with remakes is that they're rarely as good as the original and that streak continues. Sometimes a classic film should just be left alone. Allow us to enjoy the greatness of the original, without our minds being polluted by the horrors of the remake.
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Ignore the bad reviews
micahthebarber14 May 2023
I HAD to post a review after reading the terrible reviews. People are watching only a few episodes and coming on here and trashing it. How does that make any sense? It doesn't!

The more and more I watch it, the more I'm loving it. I have been waiting for the current episode to come out. I watched it at 1:30am because I was so ready to see the next episode.

EVERYONE in this series is EXCELLENT! Yes, I have seen the original. Yes, it was good but this isn't a comparison. Stop overthinking it and allow yourself to enjoy it! Because it's great! I would absolutely recommend it. I can't wait for the next episode!
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I like it so far!
Lizlynn_111112 May 2023
I've read a few reviews criticizing the show: saying that the cast isn't attractive enough- especially the actress playing Alex... I'm not sure why people are expecting a soap opera looking cast and for Dan to find a sultry Jennifer Lopez look a-like in the office but whatever. It's not a Lifetime movie here. Lizzy Caplan's Alex is pretty, like a real woman pretty. She's also a great actress, being creepy and sympathetic at the same time.

Only 4 episodes in and I think it's a decent slow burn moody show. The actors do a pretty great job. I always enjoy seeing Joshua Jackson. It's also nice to see Amanda Peet. I love 80's horror/thrillers so I'm trying not to compare this show to the 80's one. Obviously some (most) are going to prefer the very entertaining 80's Fatal Attraction over this one but I think you can like both!
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Hire a Legal Consultant for Pete's Sake
minkheel21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this show. I enjoyed the first few episodes. But when it got to the "crime" aspect, it was just plain BAD. The way Dan behaves is totally contrary to the way his character was developed and for no reason (he's supposed to be a skilled trial lawyer but IMMEDIATELY starts lying for example). And the courtroom stuff is just laughably bad. The detective didn't Mirandize Dan, yet testified that Dan lied to him. The dad testifies to all sorts of stuff Alex told him but none of that is admissible, it's pure hearsay being offered for its truth. The dad pulling out his phone. FFS. That's a Batson violation. The judge denying Dan's new trial motion because he lied to the detective and is generally a lying liar. (Even if you think that as a judge, you never say it out loud. It's an immediate reversal. Yes ... I'm a judge.). It's just cringey as all get out. So if you have more than a toddler's knowledge of the law or understand logic in general, save yourself the aggravation.

Also the last episode. OMG. So bad. So so bad. (Hadn't watched the last one when I rated it ... docking it 2 stars that that idiocy.)
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The acting is spot on BUT...
katydunlop-903947 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great performances. But I definitely agree that if you're going to compare Joshua/Lizzy to Michael/Glenn you're going to be disappointed. The new leads don't have an ounce of the sexual chemistry that the original actors did BUT...And this is a big but...it doesn't actually matter. The point of this is that Alex becomes obsessed with Dan spurning her. The lack of real chemistry actually makes it more believable because it's easy to see that it's all in her head...Alex loves the idea of Dan, not who he is because she doesn't know him.

She was weak but he doesn't make her promises and she knows he is married from the start. But she doesn't care.

The chemistry between Dan & Beth on the other hand is spot on. He clearly loves his wife & they have a beautiful relationship. But he is weak and makes the biggest mistake of his life.

There aren't any particular surprises so far. Episode 3 showing what happened so far from Alex's point of view didn't hold any twists. Think we all worked out what happened with the sprinklers in the restaurant etc I am looking forward to episode 4. Though it is freaking me out to see how much Joshua Jackson is a full grown man and not Pacey anymore!!
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You can't compare it to the movie.
tennym1 May 2023
The movie was one of a kind, and the show seems to be taking the premise and exploring Alex's side more deeply, while possibly adhering to the original ending the movie had, but never stuck to. It's certainly worthwhile in 2023 to finally explore Alex's story, but this show doesn't capture what made the movie so special.

The acting is good, the writing is so so, but it's simply missing the magic of the movie. Maybe it's a lack of chemistry among the leads, or that the present day unravelling of the mystery/Dan's daughter's storyline feeling clunky. I'll probably stick with it to see how things play out, but I'm not disturbed and captivated the way I am during the movie (and I've seen it many times).
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Unpopular Opinion... I Enjoyed It
ami_ashley3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For me to like a show and return to it, I need to be invested in the characters from the beginning and that's what roped me in. Mike is my fav. I know the story but still I'm like Dan, wtf are you even doing?! I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Ellen being a grown up as Dan gets out of prison, but that's the most interesting part. I always want to know what's next in the storyline so this is a cool addition. I'm eager to see what happens with their relationship.

The different perspectives from Dan and Alex are a nice spin. Nothing unexpected there but I do love me a crazy "erotic thriller" where someone is obsessed with someone else and someone inevitably dies. Look, my job is challenging so this is exactly the kind of tv drama I look forward to. Easy entertainment that quiets my brain is okay sometimes.

I've enjoyed seeing Joshua Jackson flourish as an actor as a grown up (Dawson's Creek/Pacey fan, I was and forever will be) and I like him as Dan. Lizzy plays a great Alex with those crazy intense eyes. I love Amanda Peet in everything she does.

Maybe it's because I haven't compared this to the original movie (which you shouldn't do anyway), or maybe it's because I'm a sucker for some naked dramas, but I finished all three released episodes in one night and I'm ready for the rest.
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The Beginning And Ending Are What Matter
YabbaDabbaDabba31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes 1-7 were an 8. Episode 8 dropped like a rock to a 2. So my weighted average is a 4. I read that the test audience didn't like the original ending so it was re-scripted. Hint: That was a gargantuan error!

This was a really excellent reimagined movie from years ago, well, until it wasn't. Every actor, every scene, every set, every line was magnificent until Episode 8, which was really amateurish. The ending was just awful, and ruined everything. Gosh, shouldn't these professionals have known better? Even I did, and I'm a banker.

Did he do it? If not, who and why? Why did so many people seem to enjoy his potential fall? As a successful prosecutor and prospective judge, why did he take the defense position he did? There was a lot of suspense that was ruined by the last episode (the entire episode was jumbled and awful). Another hint for those in control of production: Next time this happens to you, second guess your second guess...don't repeat this kind of mistake.
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hickss-6095115 May 2023
If you compare it to the movie, you're stupid. It takes bits and pieces of the movie to create a new storyline, which is genius. If you're expecting the movie... you can't do that with a show! Give it a chance. I love the storytelling, the different perspectives, the cat and mouse games at the beginning, and the characters. Honestly, give it a chance! I'm enjoying the show. I've binge watched 5 episodes straight, and I watched the Fatal Attraction movie yesterday before diving into the show. While the movie is great... so is the show! Ease up people!!

If you want something to binge, watch this!
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Try to forget the movie when watchinf
sam_burgess1 June 2023
The biggest mistake the series has made, is calling it the same name as the movie wand having the same character names. The storyline is not the same, and therefore it's not actually a remake. If you can watch the series, without having the movie in mind, it is much more enjoyable. It's not the best or the most thrilling series, you will ever watch but it is good and it is watchable.

I watched the first three episodes and thought what a load of rubbish - I won't be watching this again and yet every week I've come back and watched the next episode. So that says something.

I think this would've done much better, have they not positioned it as a remake of the 80s movie.
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dogonlion1 May 2023
I usually don't write reviews comparing new versions to old ones. I just judge what I'm watching and if it's good or not. I wish the people who produced this series understood what made the original movie so successful but obviously they have no funking idea. I'm 45 minutes into the first episode and not much happened. In the movie, you get straight down to business and the Japanese restaurant scene where the sin is decided is about 12 minutes into the movie. The producers of this series under estimated how much Glenn Close's amazing smile, her flashy hairstyle played a part in tempting Mr. Gallagher. Anne Archer who plays the wife in the original also has an amazing smile that made many men wonder "why would you cheat on a sweet wife like that"? The movie has style, Michael Douglas's coats, the houses, apartments, the ladies with the revealing clothes etc. There's is none of that here. Too many actors appearing left and right and nothing significant happening. The writing here is so lame I can't believe the original writer James Dearden is part of the writers team here. I guess 35 years can make a huge difference. I really liked Lizzy Caplan in Masters of Sex but she's not given much to work with here. The original Fatal Attraction is considered a steamy movie but it was not the only thing that drew people to it. This series is more like cold pizza. Something you might pull out of the refrigerator to eat when you have no other option.

I was looking forward to this remake but, nope thanks.
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lelight12 May 2023
This is a smart show and I like how it revisits events from multiple perspectives, a little like The Affair. Lizzy Caplin is great and so is Pacy aka the Might ducks kid. The original movie is a masterpiece it's not fair to compare them. After I finish the show I'll rewatch the movie.

The only thing I'd whoever I see a therapist in a show I really want it to be Susan Sarandon or Karen aka the therapist from the sopranos. That said this therapist isn't bad but to me the adult daughter's foray into psychoanalysis and the Jung stuff is supposed to feel meaningful and deep and falls a bit flat for me. I also want the guy at the office who has multiple affairs to be a more real and relatable character, he comes off as a cartoon character and this makes the mystery and suffering of infidelity weaker and less relatably human, hurting our empathy for Dan.
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Weird fair in comparison to the source material
teewilly-0034729 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of an affair leading to murder is typically intriguing. However, this show left much to be desired. Instead of a gripping story about obsession developing from an intimate encounter we get an unevenly paced who-dun-it with the affair as a bland plot device.

Alex is too emotionally blank. They have a scene where she feigns an overdose to, I guess spend more time with Dan. I don't know because despite it being in the show, the principals don't talk about it. Lizzy's Alex tells Dan this information like she's wants to know his order for Doordash. Movie Alex by contrast looks like a person who's falling apart. Dan, while driving her to the ER tells her that she'll likely lose her job if she seeks treatment due to the 5150 hold that would follow. They go back to her apartment where Dan leaves very quickly. Dan doesn't believe Alex had Oded but there's no resolve as to why. What's her endgame? If she wanted to guilt him into staying her weak unemotional attempt would just irritate him.

Alex's efforts at manipulation are detailed where she starts a fire at the restaurant to lure Dan to her house for the 1st encounter. The problem is it wouldn't have worked as he's in work clothes and would have gone home foregoing putting a business suit in a dryer to shrink.

Other issues: The script spends no time developing Alex's personality disorder regarding the affair. Alex is inscrutable. She should be either psychopathic or delusional. Alex's behavior is out of character as she is seen pushing people away referring to their relationship as 'nothing' when they let her down. A stalker feigning love for, obsessing over, and then developing a deep hatred for the target is normal. However, in Alex's case her behavior is incongruent with either mentioned personality disorder. She doesn't resort to violence. Her extreme violence with Dan's family members comes out of nowhere. This issue just takes the viewer out of the story as it doesn't make sense.

Further plot issues: Dan is not believable in terms of his defense strategy of denying the affair. As a prosecutor he'd know better. Beth's best friend being the murderer is ridiculous. Ellen breaking in a professor's house makes no sense.
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Extremely disappointed!!
pmcorso30 April 2023
I could not wait until this new "Fatal Attraction" came out because the original was my all time favorite movies back then. I had such high hopes for this one and was let down. They went completely off the story line, with flash backs of how Alex was stalking Dan at the beginning was a complete waste of time. This definitely was not a thriller its more of a lifetime movie. The original movie I was at the edge of my seat I could not take my eyes of the screen. This one I was just waiting for something intense to happen.

Especially for 2023 they could of added some real wtf scenes but they did not! Ido not think I will finish this series in fact I will watch the original for the twentieth time!!!
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A Challenging Reimagination
dieuleveutkembo10 May 2023
They certainly had big boots to fill here because "Fatal Attraction," with Michael Douglas, upon being released in 1987, became at the time one of the pivotal movies that inspired the erotic thrillers' phenomenon that went on for the next two decades or so, offering us amazing neo-noirs such as "Basic Instinct" & "Original Sin," and here we are 36 years later having a TV series based on it. This tells us a lot about the kind of impact the OG 80s film has had on Hollywood and the industry in general. Obviously having the expansion treatment to fit the requirements of a totally different format, it must have been very difficult for the writers to reimagine what was a shorter story and flesh it out in a way that is capable of hitting the desired spot for core fans, while simultaneously living up to the public's expectation, which by the way has been set extremely high by this amazing trailer. Jump into this if you want, but don't expect anything out of the ordinary, because not only are the storylines and characters way too complex to follow and understand, but the series also takes ages to hit its strides, and is quite honestly not as memorable, nor will it be as timeless as the original work it is based on.
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Just...fine. That's all. Fine.
you_are_the_dead31 May 2023
There are some frustrating pacing problems. Maybe some attempts at red herrings that weren't fleshed out enough to a point that I'm not sure if it was deliberate misdirection or just inconsistent writing. The reveal didn't feel authentic or even likely within the world.

The side-plot with Ellen didn't fit alongside the main plot of the story and served only to distract, plus causing more pacing problems. It also didn't feel realistic. I can suspend some disbelief for entertainments sake. But that wouldn't have cut it here.

The finale left me feeling they just wasted my time, whole lot of effort for no results, and a weird cliffhanger that didn't make sense. The journey can make some shows worth a lackluster ending, but this show felt like they only set out to drive us to that ending, simply to find it lacking. Shucks.

I enjoyed the acting though, especially Toby Huss and especiallyecially Joshua Jackson.

That said some outstanding writing and solid conclusions in a follow up season could "save," the show, but I would also understand if they didn't get renewed, thus relegating this meandering unfinished show to nothing.
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