A really good example where larger than live characters work is Stallone's "The Expendables". Here they tried but the characters just sound dumb. As do all dialogs in "Tactical Force". Throughout the movie I had the feeling that the cast wrote the script themselves while having a few drinks too many and now they made it into a movie with the sole goal of having some fun themselves, no matter the outcome. But while it looks like they really had fun doing it the only reason I watched through the whole thing was to see all martial arts scenes with Michal Jai White because those few were the only half good thing about the flick.
I'm pretty sure if any SWAT member ever sees this movie he'll face-palm himself black and blue because kids playing cowboys and Indians in the garden show better tactics and skills then the SWAT team in this movie.
Then there is the endless talking of the bad guys in every moment they are in control. It's like they were thinking "how long can we stretch the cliché of the bad guys talking too much until they get overpowered until someone switches off the movie or starts taking vodka intraveinously to find some fun in it?".
The movie also had two female characters but they don't do much except getting one over the head at some point and more or less looking pretty. Lexa Doig in SWAT gear is the "less" and Candace Elaine in leather the "more".
It seems they tried to give the dialog this cult movie style of humor, the one that's pretty well executed in "Mean Guns", but all I could do here was roll my eyes. As I said before, it just sounds dumb.
I think you really have to be a fanboy/fangirl of one of the actors to find anything enjoyable about this movie. For me that was Michael Jai White, without him I'd switched it off after 10 minutes.