Eleanor : I think I sprained my ankle!
Zoe : Ooh, you know what. You should put some ice on that.
[everyone looks at her]
Zoe : Oh no, guys I don't have any ice. I live there in that tree. I just thought that maybe you did, though.
Simon : No, we don't have any ice. Just like we don't have any shelter.
Zoe : Wow, that's a major bummer for you. Do you guys like bungee jumping?
Simone : I have something for you. Maybe this will be a way to make it up.
[pulls out a bracelet]
Jeanette : Oh, it's beautiful! Where did you find it?
Zoe : Yeah, it is beautiful. Where did you find it?
Simone : In a cave behind the waterfall. I thought it would look nice on you. But now I realize even the most precious gem cannot compare to your beauty.
[puts the bracelet on Jeanette's head]
Zoe : Yeah. Were there any other jewels or gems or diamonds or anything else in there?
Simone : By the time I found the gold, I had already been gone from my Jeanette far too long.
Theodore : Aww!
[Eleanor looks at him]
Theodore : What?
Zoe : All right, Calloway, I need you to go in there and find Simone. I know you can do it little buddy.
[throws golf ball into water]
Jeanette : Uh, you're kidding. Right?
Zoe : If Calloway can't find, him nobody can-...
[ball hits her in head]
Zoe : Uh, ow!
Jeanette : [gasps] Simone!
Zoe : [rubbing her head] Told ya.
Zoe : They found it! And the best part is, they don't even know what they found! They just think it's just one gold bracelet! Which means that the rest of the treasure is MINE! ALL MINE!
[laughs maniacally]