I'm surprised to see so many bad reviews of this film on IMDb. I would be interested to know how many of them came from people who are too young to remember the Kennedy assassination or much about Mrs. Kennedy.
Okay, several people were angry that John-John in the movie didn't salute the casket.
One review referred to the story as "horrible and morbid." Guess what - it is.
One review said Jackie was a "housewife." I won't dignify that with a response.
Natalie Portman was criticized for doing a "cringe-worthy" imitation. Her voice and accent were found hilarious.
And it was called "boring" over and over again.
I understand that to each his own, and I respect that. I'm just surprised.
I first of all did not find this film at all boring. I found it emotional, compelling, and interesting - and despite what someone said here, I did find out things I never knew.
I thought Natalie Portman did a brilliant job and, while the role didn't offer as much as Viola Davis' did in Fences, I would not have been upset to see her win another Oscar. There was nothing wrong with her accent, that's how Mrs. Kennedy talked. If you don't believe me, go to youtube and listen to the tapes.
The film focused on Jackie after the assassination, but it was shown, as were earlier times, such as her televised tour of the White House. I thought the film mixed with the actual footage was excellent.
The clothes were perfection. Like others, I did not care for the music and what I really did not care for was the music at the end.
The rest of the cast did an admirable job - John Hurt, Greta Gerwig, and Billy Crudup. I was disappointed in Peter Sarsgaard, but I think he was trying to convey Bobby's shock and grief. He's a good actor normally but not very successful here.
I found this a poignant film and a stunning portrait of Jackie Kennedy and what she suffered as a result of the assassination.