16 of 37 found this mild
A wife and husband are seen in bed having sex. Upper male nudity is shown and no female nudity is shown. This scene happens quite sudden.
Sex scene at start of movie. Female shown on top of male, no nudity
10 of 14 found this moderate
A man tackles a boy and covers his head in a plastic bag. The man holds the boy to the floor as another boy takes a ball and smashes the boys face. No blood.
12 of 22 found this mild
Adult language includes: 12x f*ck, 6x sh*t, 1x goddamn, 1x pussy, 1x n*gga, 4x hell.
6 of 8 found this mild
Some drinking.
A man gives a boy a cigarette. The man shows the boy how to smoke properly. Later on, the same men are shown on a rooftop smoking.
4 of 9 found this moderate
In a sustained scene of strong threat, a family home is invaded and the residents are emotionally and physically terrorised.