4.5 is slightly underrated. The acting was completely natural. This is the first time I've ever paid attention to how well Chris Galust can act and is it just me or does he look a little like Jack Dawson aka Leonardo DiCaprio? I couldn't help but watching him act and envisioning young Leo with the same mannerisms and features. Anyway with that said this movie can really test your movie watching endurance. While it does have a few good climaxes they are few and far between one another. So after something happens you're kind of just watching a bunch more character building until you get a slight pop of a demon and then your back in the therapist chair or laying with the Misses. The beginning starts of promising but it kind of gets debunked when you realize that isn't what really happens. Good movie good acting super super super slow burn. 2 hours was completely unnecessary. 4.5 is low it could gotten 5.5 or even a 6 easy but I'll go with 5.