Director Francis Ford Coppola had originally intended the film as a type of "live editing" experiment using groundbreaking digital editing technology. Coppola intended to act as a sort of conductor during every screening of the film, lengthening or shortening scenes and even changing plot elements depending on the audience response. This caused long delays in the film's release and ultimately proved impractical, forcing Coppola to do a locked edit of the film, integrating elements from all various permutations of the story.
Val Kilmer's character, Hall Baltimore, is in a bitter marriage to Denise, played by Kilmer's former spouse, Joanne Whalley.
Baltimore does an impression of Marlon Brando when he is thinking of ways of how to open his novel. Baltimore while doing an impression of Brando say's "The Fog on the lake was like the straight edge of a razor." The "straight edge of a razor" part while not an exact quote is very similar to the line Brando is heard saying in Apocalypse Now (1979), also directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
The end credits song "Nosferatu" is performed by the uncredited Francis Ford Coppola and Val Kilmer themselves.