Relic: Guardians of the Museum is another children's game show from Britain, however, unlike shows like Knightmare, Raven, and Gamesmaster, this one sadly never stuck, as it only lasted one season with thirteen episodes.
In this game show, three kids from a town enter the British Museum at night, where an evil Dark Lord and his cowled minions, the Dark Forces prowl. Agatha, a played by host Gemma Arrowsworth, is a ghost dressed like a 1920's museum tour guide who serves as a guide to the three, as they must discover a relic in the museum and survive the challenges or else be cursed to be relics in the museum forever.
Yeah, whoever came up with this game show must have been into the 2006 film Night at the Museum (which, one year before this, got its first sequel in Battle for the Smithsonian). Instead of living exhibits, the challenges involve time travel by Agatha, and if the team succeeds, all three see a vision of the relic of the episode, while failure results in only one seeing it, with the other two relying on his or her memory of the vision. The challenges range from physical challenges or trivia, and some even have historical figures like Cleopatra, or even fictional characters like the Roman legionary Gluteus Maximus. The visions are needed for the final challenge, which is a trivia against the dark lord, where they need to answer three questions correctly, but each wrong answer warps a player to a display, where three wrong answers is a loss, while victory banishes the dark lord (and if anyone was taken, they are freed), and the winners are rewarded with a golden scarab. I can see why this didn't last long, as the Dark Lord looks to be scary for a kids' show, and the theme being about history probably didn't excite too many to keep ratings up. Still, it's worth checking out if you are into obscure game shows.