"Towards the end when I really did truly believe that's who James was, I was heartbroken. Then after, when I realized that that's not who he was, I was just so relieved," Ronald told GQ (about James Marsden's egotistical portrayal of himself).
Before Ronald knew the whole series was a prank, he said that he was closest to fellow juror Inez, who's played by Maria Russell.
To really drive home the "documentary" facade, Ronald only ever saw "three camera people, a producer, and a couple of sound people working on the film," even though the series' production team employed about 100.
In May of 2023, Ronald Gladden revealed that he received a real jury summons from the city of San Diego.
Ronald applied for the series through a Craigslist ad, as he was between jobs and saw a listing for people willing to be part of a jury who would be filmed by a camera crew.